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Mixed flow fan 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F04D-029/44
출원번호 US-0860650 (1977-12-14)
우선권정보 GB-0053468 (1976-12-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hawes Stanley P. (Walton-on-Thames GB2)
출원인 / 주소
  • Airscrew Howden Limited (Weybridge 2 GB2 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 0


A mixed flow fan is described having inlet guide vanes which impose on air entering the fan a swirl in a direction opposite to the fan\s rotation. The application of such a fan to automotive cooling is described.


A mixed flow unducted direct discharge fan comprising: (a) a direct discharging mixed flow rotor, (b) a support ring, (c) bearing support means for the rotor, (d) a plurality of vanes positioned to extend between support ring and the bearing support means, (e) the vanes being angled to impose on air

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Hauser Kurt (Stuttgart DEX), Axial fan arrangement.
  2. Cuerdon, Martin J., Axial fan inlet wind-turning vane assembly.
  3. Amr Yehia M. (Manlius NY), Axial flow fan and fan orifice.
  4. Rosen, Seth E.; Dorman, David A.; Beers, Craig M., Backing plate.
  5. Lee,Jung Woo; Chung,Moon Kee; Chin,Sim Won, Blower fan.
  6. Alexander Graham Hunt CA, Center mounted fan module with even airflow distribution features.
  7. Barry, Charles L.; Petro, Mike P.; Nagargoje, Umesh G.; Schoenwald, Tony; Bear, Alan; Mahoney, John P.; Craemer, Jeff, Composite fan blade, including wheel and assembly characterized by same.
  8. Pennington, Donald R.; Hext, III, Richard G., Fan assembly and method.
  9. Hext, III, Richard G.; Pennington, Donald R.; Shelby, Richard R.; Zeng, Ling-Zhong, Fan blade.
  10. Zeng, Ling-Zhong, Fan blade.
  11. Nagai Makoto (Yaizu JPX) Horiuchi Isamu (Shimizu JPX) Hanada Masamichi (Shimizu JPX) Kuroda Sigeaki (Shimizu JPX) Hayashi Masakatsu (Shimizu JPX) Ohishi Yasuro (Fujieda JPX) Mori Yutaka (Shizuoka JPX, Impeller of centrifugal blower.
  12. Hauser Kurt (Stuttgart DEX), Radial impeller for a cooling system of a motor vehicle.
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