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[미국특허] Aircraft collapsible fuel tank 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-037/04
  • B64D-037/06
출원번호 US-0896456 (1978-04-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Burhans
  • Jr. Walter R. (Miller Place NY) Ciccarello James L. (Bay Shore NY) Stumpf Charles H. (Commack NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Grumman Aerospace Corporation (Bethpage NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 0


A collapsible fuel tank for aircraft, the tank having rigid top and bottom elements and foldable rigid side walls containing therein a non-vented fluid-impervious elastomeric bladder. When fluid is pumped into the bladder, it distends to deploy the top, bottom, and side walls whereby a box-like stru


In an aircraft whose configuration results in interior space thereof being substantially fully occupied in a first condition by only a fuel tank containing fuel, which space is occupied by equipment such as ancillary aircraft components, weapons, and stores in a second condition when said tank is em

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Coloney Wayne H. (P.O. Box 668 Tallahasse FL 32302), Aircraft fuel tank.
  2. Gerard, Ludovic; Gutiérrez García, Alejandro; Maldonado, Julián, Aircraft landing gear.
  3. Olive, Richard, Device for opposing sloshing in a flexible tank.
  4. Sarlin Pierre,FRX ; Giraud Christian Jean Raymond,FRX ; Lacroix Pierre Prud'Homme,FRX ; Averous Francis,FRX ; Bac Jean-Claude,FRX, Device for suspending an aircraft tank.
  5. Yates Ivan R. (Kingston-upon-Thames GB2), Duct means for aircraft.
  6. Klump,James A., Expandable fire-fighting fluid container.
  7. Geders Paul Francis ; Groeneveld John David ; Wille Robert Henry, Expandable fuel cell.
  8. Henderson, Trent N.; Toal, Christopher E., External-bladder fuel system fluidly connectable to a fuel tank to receive excess.
  9. Cameron Dean Emory, Fairing for an expandable bay.
  10. Kong Carl Cheung Tung, Fluid transfer system.
  11. Kong Carl Cheung Tung, Fluid transfer system.
  12. Cremers, Joerg, Fuel management system.
  13. Garside Christopher M. (Preston GBX) Rhodes Arthur N. (Preston GBX), Fuel storage means.
  14. Ishikawa, Takashi; Arase, Tomoyasu; Kobayashi, Masahide; Miura, Katsuyuki; Hyodo, Yoshihiko, Fuel tank.
  15. Katsuyuki Miura JP; Takashi Ishikawa JP; Teijiro Goto JP; Takuya Ishikawa JP, Fuel tank.
  16. Marasco John Richard ; Van Horn James R., Mounting system for auxiliary fuel tank.
  17. Smith, David R.; Burg, Joe James; Rogstad, Robert R., Offset ambient level fuel feed system.
  18. Mueller Guenther (Gauting DEX), Pocket structure for a foldable wing of an aircraft.
  19. Thompson, James Edward; Hill, David; Criel, Bjorn; Cuvelier, Vincent; Van Schaftingen, Jules-Joseph, Process for reinforcing a rigid plastic fuel tank.
  20. John S. Mayes, Protective enclosure with peripheral fluid storage facility.
  21. Colosimo, Nicholas Giacomo Robert, Reconfigurable vehicle doors.
  22. Peryea, Martin; Smith, Michael Reaugh; Hamelwright, Jr., Douglas; Brand, Albert G.; Plagianos, Nicholas J.; Emrich, Joshua; Carr, Timothy, Rotorcraft fuel system having enhanced crash resistance.
  23. Oberg Gordon D., Safety check valve for fuel delivery system.
  24. Bofill, Steven, Sleeve and rod support for fuel bladder.
  25. Kahara Bryan D. ; Priestley Richard T. ; Seho Kenneth E., Variable displacement fuel tank for aircraft.

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