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[미국특허] Catamaran equipped with re-righting device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-001/00
출원번호 US-0914650 (1978-06-12)
우선권정보 DE-2727074 (1977-06-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ullrich Gunter (Regenwalderweg 36 1 Berlin 27 DEX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


A catamaran is provided which is equipped to permit facile re-righting thereof after capsizing. The catamaran includes floodable forecastles and buoyancy chambers, and a watertight cabin in the stern separated by bulkheads from the forecastles. Air inlets are provided for introducing compressed air


A cruiser catamaran comprising: forward hulls having floodable forecastles, and buoyancy chambers disposed forwardly of said forecastles and communicating therewith; a watertight cabin disposed in the stern of said cruiser catamaran and separated from said forecastles by bulkheads; an openable and c

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Romanski,Eric; Toney,Crayton Gregory; O'Connor,Joseph G.; Paquin,Maurice R., Coating for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  2. Davis,Trent W.; Toney,Mary M., End portion for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  3. Eagles, Dana; Jordan, Roland E.; Barish, Jonathan S.; Farrell, John J.; Kornett, Glenn; Thornley, Stoney, End portions for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  4. Davenport, Francis L., Fabric structure for a flexible fluid containment vessel.
  5. Eagles, Dana; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp; Donovan, James G.; Dutt, William; Romanski, Eric; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan, Flexible fluid containment vessel.
  6. Tupil, Srinath, Flexible fluid containment vessel featuring a keel-like seam.
  7. Morrison, Aidan, Recovering capsized watercraft incorporating rapid filling and emptying ballast systems.
  8. Eagles, Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  9. Eagles,Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  10. Wenstob Wayne B. (836 Cormorant Street Victoria ; B.C. CAX) Wenstob Kevin J. (836 Cormorant Street Victoria ; B.C. CAX V8W 1R1), Self-righting monohull vessel.
  11. Murphy William (2142 N. Magnolia Chicago IL 60614), Self-righting waterborne craft.
  12. Priam-Doizi Patrice M. (F-17920 Breuillet FRX), Self-stable trimaran.
  13. Eagles, Dana; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp, Spiral formed flexible fluid containment vessel.

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