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[미국특허] Inflatable barge 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-089/10
출원번호 US-0938426 (1978-08-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Preus Paul (Clean Water
  • Inc.
  • Court House Sq.
  • P.O. Box 1002 Toms River NJ 08753)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 0


An air or surface deployable, inflatable, flexible wall, fluid holding, towable container having a hollow, generally tubular, flexible wall container, at least one closeable inlet and outlet for directing fluids into and out of the container, gas inflatable barriers extending at least along the long


An air or surface deployable, inflatable, flexible wall, fluid holding towable container comprising a hollow, generally tubular, flexible wall container, at least one closeable inlet and outlet means for directing fluid into and out of the container characterized by gas inflatable barrier means exte

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Romanski,Eric; Toney,Crayton Gregory; O'Connor,Joseph G.; Paquin,Maurice R., Coating for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  2. Davis,Trent W.; Toney,Mary M., End portion for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  3. Eagles, Dana; Jordan, Roland E.; Barish, Jonathan S.; Farrell, John J.; Kornett, Glenn; Thornley, Stoney, End portions for a flexible fluid containment vessel and a method of making the same.
  4. Davenport, Francis L., Fabric structure for a flexible fluid containment vessel.
  5. Cran James A.,CAX, Flexible barge.
  6. Cran James A.,CAX, Flexible barge.
  7. Eagles, Dana; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp; Donovan, James G.; Dutt, William; Romanski, Eric; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan, Flexible fluid containment vessel.
  8. Tupil, Srinath, Flexible fluid containment vessel featuring a keel-like seam.
  9. Yaffe, Aaharon, Flexible vessel.
  10. Alkner Stig H. I. (Ystad SEX) Soderstrom Sture H. (Trelleborg SEX), Floating container for receiving and transporting collected oil pollutants.
  11. Hammel Gerard (440 Senator St. Brooklyn NY 11220), Flotation process for sludge recovery and energy conversion.
  12. Frederick Carl R. (Plainfield NJ), Method and apparatus for impeding the spillage of a liquid cargo from a damaged water-traveling vessel.
  13. Serrano, Miguel, Pre-fabricated storm shelter.
  14. Eagles, Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  15. Eagles,Dana, Segment formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  16. Eagles, Dana; Rydin, Bjorn; Rexfelt, Jan; Toney, Crayton Gregory; Tupil, Srinath; Lawton, Donald Tripp, Spiral formed flexible fluid containment vessel.
  17. Christian Romano VE, Temporary storage barge.
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