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[미국특허] Mold panel for casting concrete 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22D-027/02
출원번호 US-0005660 (1979-01-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • West Gardner D. (Woody Creek CO)
출원인 / 주소
  • Therma Form, Inc. (Hubbard TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 34  인용 특허 : 0


A heated mold panel for casting concrete has a rigid base providing a base surface, a substantial part of which is grooved by interconnecting grooves, has a continuous heating element laid in the grooves, and the base surface is covered with a non-porous, non-corrosive material that provides a smoot


A heated mold panel for casting concrete comprising, (a) a panel base providing a rigid supportive base surface defining the panel size and contours, (b) a plurality of connecting grooves in the base surface, (c) a heating element in the grooves, (d) at least one layer of material covering the surfa

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (34) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Woolford Michael E., Composite masonry block.
  2. Woolford Michael E. ; Sievert Dick J., Composite masonry block.
  3. Woolford Michael E. ; Sievert Dick J., Composite masonry block.
  4. Woolford, Michael E.; Sievert, Dick J., Composite masonry block.
  5. Woolford,Michael E.; Sievert,Dick J., Composite masonry block.
  6. Woolford,Michael E.; Sievert,Dick J., Composite masonry block.
  7. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Grounded modular heated cover.
  8. Naylor, David, Heating unit for direct current applications.
  9. Naylor, David; Caterina, Thomas, Heating unit for warming fluid conduits.
  10. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Heating unit for warming pallets.
  11. Naylor, David; Caterina, Thomas, Modular heated cover.
  12. Naylor,David, Modular heated cover.
  13. Naylor,David; Hillesheim,Dan Alex, Modular heated cover.
  14. Naylor, David, Modular radiant heating apparatus.
  15. LaCroix, David Matthew; Schmidt, Cecil C.; Bolles, Glenn Clarke, Mold for producing masonry block with roughened surface.
  16. Sievert Dick J., Mold for producing masonry block with roughened surface.
  17. Caterina, Thomas; Naylor, David, Pallet warmer heating unit.
  18. Slonimsky Leonid (Toronto CAX) Dorcich Dan D. (Georgetown CAX), Panel for concrete formwork.
  19. LaCroix David Matthew ; Schmidt Cecil C. ; Bolles Glenn Clark, Process for producing masonry block with roughened surface.
  20. LaCroix David Matthew ; Schmidt Cecil C. ; Bolles Glenn Clarke, Process for producing masonry block with roughened surface.
  21. Sievert Dick J., Process for producing masonry block with roughened surface.
  22. Dyer David F. (P.O. Box 2255 Auburn AL 36831), Pulsed electrical heating of concrete.
  23. Dick J. Sievert, Retaining wall block.
  24. Sievert Dick J., Retaining wall block.
  25. Sievert ; deceased Dick J., Splitter blade assembly and station.
  26. Sievert ; deceased Dick J., Splitting technique.
  27. Sievert Dick J., Splitting technique.
  28. Naylor, David; Fillion, Arthur J.; Hall, David L.; Evans, Aaron; Terry, Brad; Roe, Thomas, Systems, methods, and devices for storing, heating, and dispensing fluid.
  29. Naylor, David; Fillion, Arthur J.; Hall, David; Evans, Aaron; Terry, Brad; Roe, Thomas, Systems, methods, and devices for storing, heating, and dispensing fluid.
  30. Wobben, Aloys, Tower of a wind power installation.
  31. MacDonald, Robert A.; Lundell, Robert John, Veneer connectors, wall blocks, veneer panels for wall blocks, and walls.
  32. MacDonald, Robert A.; Dawson, William B., Veneers for walls, retaining walls and the like.
  33. MacDonald, Robert A., Veneers for walls, retaining walls, retaining wall blocks, and the like.
  34. MacDonald, Robert A., Wall blocks, veneer panels for wall blocks and method of constructing walls.

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