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[미국특허] Starch as fuel in gas generating compositions 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C06B-045/10
출원번호 US-0905829 (1978-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Garner Eugene F. (Canyon Country CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Allied Chemical Corporation (Morris Township, Morris County NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 1


Starch is used as a fuel/binder in pyrotechnic propellant compositions suitable for use in vehicle safety restraint systems.


A pyrotechnic composition for use in providing a generating gas to inflate an inflatable device, said composition comrpising: (a) about 45 l to 50 weight percent of an inorganic oxidizer; (b) about 8 to 13 weight percent of starch having a particle size of about 4 to 30 microns; (c) about 35 to 45 w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Garner ; Eugene F. ; Hamilton ; Brian K., Chlorite containing pyrotechnic composition and method of inflating an inflatable automobile safety restraint.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. van Vliet, Laurens Daniël; van Pul-Verboom, Viola; Schuurbiers, Cornelis Anthonius Hubertus, Chemical carbon dioxide gas generator.
  2. Nielson Daniel B. ; Lund Gary K. ; Blau Reed J., Flares having igniters formed from extrudable igniter compositions.
  3. Knowlton, Gregory D.; Ludwig, Christopher P., Low temperature autoignition composition.
  4. Hinshaw Jerald C. (Farr West UT) Doll Daniel W. (North Ogden UT) Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT) Lund Gary K. (Ogden UT), Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  5. Hinshaw Jerald C. (Farr West UT) Doll Daniel W. (North Ogden UT) Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT) Lund Gary K. (Ogden UT), Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  6. Hinshaw Jerald C. ; Doll Daniel W. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K., Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  7. Hinshaw, Jerald C.; Doll, Daniel W.; Blau, Reed J.; Lund, Gary K., Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  8. Hinshaw, Jerald C.; Doll, Daniel W.; Blau, Reed J.; Lund, Gary K., Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  9. Jerald C. Hinshaw ; Daniel W. Doll ; Reed J. Blau ; Gary K. Lund, Metal hydrazine complexes for use as gas generants.
  10. Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT) Lund Gary K. (Ogden UT), Method for preparing anhydrous tetrazole gas generant compositions.
  11. Knowlton Gregory D. ; Ludwig Christopher P., Method of safely initiating combustion of a gas generant composition using an autoignition composition.
  12. Flanigan David A. ; Mancini Vincent E. ; Harper Michael R., Methods of preparing gas generant formulations.
  13. Blau,Reed J.; Schaefer,Ruth A.; Bodily,Marlin; Chen,Gary, Moisture-resistant black powder substitute compositions.
  14. Scheffe Robert S. (Alexandria VA), Occupant restraint system and composition useful therein.
  15. Nielson Daniel B. ; Lund Gary K. ; Blau Reed J., Supplemental-restraint-system gas generating device with water-soluble polymeric binder.
  16. Hinshaw Jerald C. ; Doll Daniel W. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K., Using metal complex compositions as gas generants.

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