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[미국특허] Closure for a beverage receptacle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-041/32
출원번호 US-0021991 (1979-03-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lobbestael David A. (1148 Dexter-Pinckney Rd. Pinckney MI 48169)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 74  인용 특허 : 2


A closure is provided for use with a beverage receptacle, such as a paper cup, having an open top. The closure comprises a planar lid having both an upper and lower side and conforming in shape to the open top of the receptacle. An annular rim extending outwardly from the lower side of the lid is di


A closure for use with a beverage receptacle having an open top, said closure comprising: a substantially planar lid having an upper and a lower side and substantially conforming in shape to the open top of the receptacle; said lid including a rim about its outer periphery, said rim extending outwar

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Striggow Lewis J. (450 Demode Rd. Holly MI 48442), Beverage container lid.
  2. Zoellick ; Allen Peter, Cover for drinking containers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (74) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schuyler Richard D. (Beaverton OR), Adaptable closure for drinking containers.
  2. Biba,Scott I.; Aloisi,Robert J.; Jones,Christopher L.; Hamersma,Robert A.; Seals,Douglas E.; Bakker,William J.; Williams,Noel A., Apparatus for heat-shrinking film onto an open-topped container and method of using same.
  3. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  4. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  5. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  6. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  7. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  8. Sawyer, Duane; Holmes, Bob, Bottle.
  9. Fletcher Tim P, Child's spill-proof sipper cup.
  10. Sanchez, Neil Kim; Sanchez, Adrienne Marlane, Coffee cup plug.
  11. Coy Peter ; Moseley ; Jr. Thomas C ; Arney Michel D. ; Howard Jeremy C., Container lid.
  12. Gordon,Antoinette, Container lid with anti-spill spout.
  13. Akers, Paul, Cover piece and method for coffee cup lids.
  14. Akers,Paul, Cover piece and method for coffee cup lids.
  15. Randolph, Ross Steven; Sejnowski, Joseph Paul, Cup assembly.
  16. Bachman Rebecca J. ; Willis James L. ; Coon Robert C. ; Mersman Wesley D., Cup for young children with cap valved for fluid control.
  17. Freek Mike (Toronto CAX) Berkovich Raya (Toronto CAX), Cup lid.
  18. Rush,Jonathan E.; Tran,Trung, Cup lid.
  19. Dobobrov Branco ; Pavlov Jane, Dispensing cover assembly.
  20. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  21. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  22. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John R., Disposable cup lid.
  23. Hollis, Robert W.; Koennecke, Weston S.; Geer, III, John Russell, Disposable cup lid.
  24. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  25. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  26. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  27. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  28. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  29. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  30. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  31. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  32. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  33. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  34. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  35. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John R., Disposable cup lid.
  36. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John Russell, Disposable cup lid.
  37. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John Russell, Disposable cup lid.
  38. Hollis,Robert W.; Koennecke,Weston S.; Geer, III,John Russell, Disposable cup lid.
  39. Koennecke,Weston S., Disposable cup lid.
  40. Freek Mike (Toronto CAX) Berkovich Raya (Toronto CAX), Drink-thru cup lid.
  41. Connors, James A.; Medeiros, David E.; Dys, George S.; Britto, James J.; Hession, John A., Drinking containers.
  42. Connors, Jr., James A.; Medeiros, David E.; Dys, George S.; Britto, James J.; Hession, John A., Drinking containers.
  43. Connors, Jr., James A.; Medeiros, David E.; Dys, George S.; Britto, James J.; Hession, John A., Drinking containers.
  44. Connors, Jr., James A.; Medeiros, David E.; Dys, George S.; Britto, James J.; Hession, John A., Drinking containers.
  45. Roush Timothy R. ; Meyers Brenda J. ; Johansen Jean L., Drinking cup base.
  46. Sato, Ryotaro; Kuramoto, Emi; Takagi, Hitoshi, Drinking learning cup.
  47. Montemarano Joseph (Angie Dr. Hopewell Junction NY 12533), Drinking spout cover.
  48. Byrd Alan E. (Hamilton OH), Easy open-reclosable container with pouring lip/drain surface.
  49. Barker Dale E. (Hamilton OH), Easy open/reclosable container with pouring lip and hold-open feature.
  50. Ro, Chia-Ming Chen, Feeding accessory for food packaging specification.
  51. Rush, Jonathan E.; Tran, Trung; Lam, legal representative, Virginia, Filled polystyrene tear back container lids.
  52. Spong Gary W. (Vallejo CA), Ice-holding and game-adaptable insert cup for drinking container.
  53. Sadlier, Claus E., Insulating cup wrapper and insulated container formed with wrapper.
  54. Francis X. Manganiello, Leak-proof cup assembly with flow control element.
  55. Clements Jack D. (Ada OK), Lid for drinking cup.
  56. Sadlier Claus E. ; Rodrigues Gregory A., Lid for drinking cup.
  57. Kim Jonathan, Lid with closable spout.
  58. Luburic, Frano, Molded container and lid having strategically positioned drainage opening.
  59. Sadlier, Claus E., Multi-layered container having interrupted corrugated insulating liner.
  60. Baker, Stephanie M.; Muldoon, Marc J.; Pescosolido, Alessio, Multi-piece fluid manifold for gas turbine engine.
  61. Schmidtner, Alois A.; Rush, Jonathan E., Reclosable cup lid with sliding closure member.
  62. Schmidtner, Alois A.; Rush, Jonathan E., Reclosable cup lid with sliding member and scalloped track.
  63. Schmidtner, Alois A.; Rush, Jonathan E., Reclosable lid having a slidable closure panel.
  64. Cohen, Elijah G., Rim-mounted drinking aid for liquid containers.
  65. Levey, William M., Sanitary barrier for beverage container lid.
  66. Dvoracek Frank (728 E. Fairmont Rd. Burbank CA 91501), Sanitary lid for metal beverage container.
  67. Heath,Robert C.; Stubbs,Jett E., Smooth spouted disposable lid for a cup.
  68. Randolph Ross Steven, Soft spout for cup.
  69. Karam,Carl, Spout.
  70. Randolph, Ross Steven, Spout.
  71. Jagger, Robin Drummond, Spout for a nonspill cup.
  72. Keith Louis Haughton CA; Glenn Wallace Haughton CA; Peter Christopher Michael Hillar CA, Stoppers for individual beverage containers.
  73. Haughton Keith Louis,CAX ; Haughton Glenn Wallace,CAX, Stoppers for individual bottle-type beverage container.
  74. Randolph Ross Steven, Trainer spout.

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