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[미국특허] Container including plastic molded receptacle and cover with buttress retainers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65P-053/00
출원번호 US-0081961 (1979-10-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ellis Henry D. (1003 Whetstone Way Louisville KY 40223)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 2


A container (10) disclosed includes a unitary receptacle (12) and a unitary cover (14) which are each molded from resilient plastic with segmented buttress retainers (24, 32) that cooperate to secure the cover upon a snap action closing movement while permitting opening cover movement by manual rota


A container comprising: a unitary receptacle and a unitary cover each of which is molded from resilient plastic; said receptacle including a generally cylindrical side wall and a bottom wall; the side wall including an upper end that defines an open end of the receptacle; the side wall also includin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Galer ; Herbert W., Plastic lids and pails.
  2. Galer Herbert W. (Pine Township ; Allegheny County PA), Plastic lids and pails.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Meyer David A. (Plymouth MN) Tasson Brian B. (Anoka MN) Vollmer Robert F. (Bloomington MN) Warren J. Bruce (Wayzata MN), Cased telescoped ammunition.
  2. Nottingham,John R.; Spirk,John; Panasewicz,Dale A.; Stanca,Nick E.; Iredell, IV,Robert; Futo,Dennis M., Container and lid assembly.
  3. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Container for coating materials.
  4. Nottingham,John R.; Spirk,John; Panasewicz,Dale A.; Stanca,Nick E.; Iredell, IV,Robert; Futo,Dennis M., Container for coating materials.
  5. Convert, Bruno; Favre, Thierry; Hericourt, Jean; Deniau, Arnauld; Pierre, Pascal; Amekraz, Badia, Container for packaging nuclear waste with force-fitted lid.
  6. Hackwell Roger E. (Saffron Walden GB2) Gale Philip D. (Gidea Park ; Romford GB2) Mason Eric K. L. (Colchester GB2), Containers.
  7. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Design for a round paint container.
  8. Hadar, Nir; Kleitman, Michael, Fastening assembly and container comprising the same.
  9. Bauder, Ralf; Dworatzek, Klemens, Filter housing.
  10. Morris, Richard W., Instrumentation electrical connector protector.
  11. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Paint container insert.
  12. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Paint container lid.
  13. Neat Benjamin C. (11201 Easum Rd. Jefferson Town KY 40299), Plastic container having threaded closure.
  14. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Round paint container.
  15. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Round paint container with handle.
  16. VanCucha James M. (Strongsville OH), Sealed container.
  17. Nottingham, John R.; Spirk, John W.; Panasewicz, Dale A.; Stanca, Nick E.; Iredell, IV, Robert; Futo, Dennis M., Square paint container.
  18. Nottingham,John R.; Spirk,John; Panasewicz,Dale A; Stanca,Nick E; Iredell, IV,Robert; Futo,Dennis M, Square paint container.
  19. Terbrusch Rosemarie (R.D. 4 Blueberry La. South Salem NY 10590) Spector George (233 Broadway #3815 New York NY 10007), Trash can with tethered cover.

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