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Air conditioned laboratory rack for animal cages 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01K-001/00
출원번호 US-0058142 (1979-07-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harr James R. (51 Ridge Rd. East Rochester NY 14621)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 5


The rack comprises a plurality of hollow, sheet metal shelves supported in spaced, horizontal planes by four tubular corner posts. Two rows of animal cages of generally box-like configuration are removably suspended beneath each shelf, with the upper, open end of each cage disposed in near sealing e


A storage rack for animal cages, comprising a frame including a plurality of spaced, hollow, upstanding legs, a plurality of generally flat, hollow shelves supported on said legs in vertically spaced relation, each of said shelves having its interior divided into at least two separate chambers, an a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Gland ; Thomas M. ; Frederickson ; Robert C. A., Animal cage.
  2. Ruggeri Albert (Flourtown PA) Ruggeri Joseph (Flourtown PA) Lawrence Harry (Glen Ridge NJ), Animal cage rack incorporating shelf leveling device.
  3. Exler Petrus A. T. (Stadhoudersing 70 Zoetermeer NLX), Container comprising an improved floor structure.
  4. Wyatt ; William B., Heated food service system.
  5. Baker Edward D. (San Francisco CA) Lang-Ree Nils (Los Altos CA), Staging cabinet and tray combination.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Spengler Charles W. (3310 Deforest Ave. Cincinnati OH 45209), Aerosol testing chamber for experimental animals.
  2. Spengler Charles W. (3310 Deforest Ave. Cincinnati OH 45209), Aerosol testing method and chamber for experimental animals.
  3. Lackner Karl H. (Ittlingen DEX), Air circulating system for poultry housing.
  4. Cohen,Adam; Tang,Josh, Air flow sensing and control for animal confinement system.
  5. Thomas William R. (187 Main St. Conyngham PA 18219), Animal caging system.
  6. Thomas William R. (325 W. Seventh St. Hazelton PA 18201), Animal caging system.
  7. Bonner,Ronald K.; Knudsen,Eric R., Animal display and habitat assembly.
  8. Schetlin, Raymond M.; Schetlin, Kimba M., Animal dryer apparatus.
  9. German, Michael K.; German, Danelle S., Animal grooming apparatus.
  10. LoMaglio F. Leo (Kansas City MO), Animal isolation cage ward.
  11. Ishikawa Tetsushi (Okayama JPX) Okabe Masato (Narita JPX) Kato Hiroyasu (Tokyo JPX), Apparatus for raising small animals.
  12. van Buytene Arie J. (Santpoort-Zuid NLX), Apparatus for storing and ventilating cheeses.
  13. Coiro ; Sr. Michael A. ; Herdt Frank J. ; Bilecki Brian M., Bio-containment animal cage system.
  14. Yoshida,Kazuya, Breeding device for laboratory animal.
  15. Michael A. Coiro, Sr. ; Frank J. Herdt ; Brian M. Bilecki, Device for automatically controlling exhaust flow to a rack for animal cages.
  16. Michael A. Coiro, Sr. ; Frank J. Herdt ; Brian M. Bilecki, Device for displaying an air flow condition in a rack for animal cages.
  17. Spengler Charles W. (3310 Deforest Ave. Cincinnati OH 45209), Free-standing environmental chambers supported by plenum.
  18. Schmidt, Jörg; Brielmeier, Markus, IVC rack system and method for detecting infections particles within an IVC rack system.
  19. Cordier Ann (14 A Parkwood Dr. South Amboy NJ 08879), Pet dryer apparatus.
  20. Thomas William R. (Conyngham PA), Ventilated animal housing and service system with cage filter covers.
  21. Sheaffer John E. (Perryville MD) Deitrich Eric A. (Woodbine MD), Ventilated cage and open rack system.
  22. Deitrich Eric A. (Woodbine MD) Sheaffer John E. (Perryville MD), Ventilated cage and rack system.
  23. Gabriel George ; Park Chin Soo ; Sheaffer John E., Ventilated cage and rack system.
  24. Gabriel George ; Park Chin Soo ; Sheaffer John E., Ventilated cage and rack system.
  25. Allen Ken ; Allen James F., Veterinary isolation cage.
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