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[미국특허] Vacuum-pneumatic power tool 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B21J-015/34
출원번호 US-0044246 (1979-05-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Freeman Richard B. (1920 NW. 31st Ter. Gainesville FL 32605) Schmidt Alfred W. (Box 787 Keystone Heights FL 32656)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 1


A power tool in the form of a fluid pressure cylinder utilizing multiple movable pistons coupled for contemporaneous pressure-responsive working movement, as well as for return to no-load position. Individual pressure buildup on each pressure chamber is controlled by pre-selected imput and exhaust o


In a multi-piston pneumatic power tool for blind riveting and the like, the combination of a cylinder body, a plurality of baffle elements mounted in said body in axially-spaced relationship to partition said cylinder into a plurality of separate chambers, a piston slidably mounted in each chamber f

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ebbert Robert J. (6026 DeGuise Ct. Rochester MI 48063) Brown John V. (657 Bridgestone Drive Rochester MI 48063), Riveting station assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Haschke, Eggo; Jones, Hector, Crimp control apparatus.
  2. Lang, Hans Jorg; Helmig, Wermer, Drive system for a fastening tool.
  3. Hezeltine,Alton W., Fastener installation systems.
  4. Hezeltine,Alton W., Fastener installation tool.
  5. Gast Robert L. (Tustin CA) Willits Lyle V. (Costa Mesa CA), Fastener stem collection apparatus and method.
  6. Gosis,Anatoly; Turek,James A., Installation, insulation displacement, and terminating tool having piston-cylinder driving assembly.
  7. Sukharevsky Boris P. (Fullerton CA), Lightweight, high pressure fastener installation tool and system.
  8. Hartshorn Kevin (Plainsboro NJ), Plate-type valve, and an improved valve seat and a valve seat assembly therefor.
  9. Giardino David A. (Deerfield NY) Groshans Joseph R. (Clinton NY) McHenry Kenneth A. (Clinton NY), Pneumatic hydraulic hand-held power unit.
  10. Steiner Mark ; Banducci David J. ; Bradbury James M. ; Calkins David S., Rivet setting tool.
  11. Woyciesjes,James N.; Calkins,David S., Rivet tool with remote intensifier auto fill/recharge system.
  12. Eldessouky, Ahmed, Riveting tool such as a nut plate riveter.
  13. Ramey Carl (Yellville AR) Hill Royce W. (Flippin AR) Beijen James H. (Mountain Home AR), Semi-automatic pneumatic expansion rivet gun.
  14. Powell Allen C., Stop cylinder and piston assembly.
  15. Lin,Yu Ching, Straight type riveting gun.

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