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[미국특허] Apparatus for drying or dehumidifying gases 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-053/04
출원번호 US-0039604 (1979-05-16)
우선권정보 DK-0000085 (1977-01-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Anderberg Erling L. (Sverigesvej 2
  • DK-4200 Slagelse DKX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 1


An apparatus for dehumidification of gas by means of a moisture adsorbing medium arranged in relative thin layers separated by heating elements for heating the adsorbing medium during regeneration. The heating element preferably comprises a sheet material having a printed circuit thereon. The adsorb


An apparatus for drying or dehumidifying gases and comprising a plurality of chambers each having a gas inlet end and a gas outlet end communicating with a common gas inlet for gas to be dehumidified, and with a common gas outlet for dehumidified gas, respectively, a plurality of spaced layers of a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Blodgett Gerry A. (38 June St. Worcester MA 01602), Sorption system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22)

  1. Kelly Timothy M., Adsorbent activated carbon fiber sheet filter and method of regeneration.
  2. Ertl Harald,DEX ; Goebel Johann,DEX ; Kunz Sabine,DEX, Apparatus for cleaning an airstream.
  3. Cargnelli,Joe; Ye,Jianming; Chen,Xuesong; Gopal,Ravi B., Apparatus for exchanging energy and/or mass.
  4. Ito, Shinichi; Unezaki, Fumitake; Hamada, Mamoru, Dehumidifying apparatus.
  5. Gupta, Ramesh; Deckman, Harry W.; Leta, Daniel P., Gas purification process utilizing engineered small particle adsorbents.
  6. Keefer Bowie G.,CAX, High frequency pressure swing adsorption.
  7. Sundaram, Narasimhan, Increasing scales, capacities, and/or efficiencies in swing adsorption processes with hydrocarbon gas feeds.
  8. Gerlach, David W.; Kandil, Sherif; Verma, Parmesh; Cogswell, Frederick J.; Ranjan, Rajiv; Mahmoud, Ahmad M.; Lord, Richard G., Integrated membrane dehumidification system.
  9. Mestemaker Jerald L. (Vero Beach FL) Wooten Russell C. (Vero Beach FL) Thakker B. R. (Vero Beach FL) Vargas Paul E. (Vero Beach FL) Andrascik Andrew N. (Vero Beach FL) Gulley Randel W. (Vero Beach FL, Method and apparatus for continuous adsorption of adsorbable contaminates and adsorber regeneration.
  10. Kamakoti, Preeti; Leta, Daniel P.; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Anderson, Thomas N., Pressure-temperature swing adsorption process.
  11. Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Johnson, Robert A.; Deckman, Harry W.; Anderson, Thomas N., Pressure-temperature swing adsorption process for the separation of heavy hydrocarbons from natural gas streams.
  12. Morlec Jean,FRX ; Bourcier Jacques,FRX, Process and device for scrubbing flows of gaseous effluents loaded with polluting substances.
  13. Szonntagh Eugene L. (Largo FL), Quasi-continuous sorption/desorption analysis method and an apparatus utilizing the same.
  14. Leta, Daniel P.; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Derites, Bruce A., Rapid temperature swing adsorption contactors for gas separation.
  15. Hsu, Tsang-Hung, Regenerative dehumidifier.
  16. Leta, Daniel P.; Kamakoti, Preeti; Johnson, Jack W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Deckman, Harry, Selective sulfur removal process.
  17. Miller John D. (Homer NY) Verrando Marcel G. (Ocala FL), Sorbing apparatus.
  18. White ; Jr. Donald H. (Homer NY) Verrando Marcel G. (Ocala FL), Sorbing apparatus.
  19. Kuma Toshimi (25-8 ; 3-chome Maimatsubara Higashi-ku Fukuoka-shi ; Fukuoka-ken ; JPX), Sorbing sheets and laminates having reactivating and invigorating functions.
  20. Smith,Douglas M.; Roderick,Kevin; Campbell,Peter L., Sorption cooling systems, their use in automotive cooling applications and methods relating to the same.
  21. Deckman, Harry W., Swing adsorption processes utilizing controlled adsorption fronts.
  22. Leta, Daniel P.; Kamakoti, Preeti; Deckman, Harry W.; Ravikovitch, Peter I.; Anderson, Thomas N., Temperature swing adsorption process for the separation of target species from a gas mixture.
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