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Leak test fitting 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01M-003/20
출원번호 US-0076527 (1979-09-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Pickett Patrick T. (Kettering OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy (Washington DC 06)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


A hollow fitting for use in gas spectrometry leak testing of conduit joints is divided into two generally symmetrical halves along the axis of the conduit. A clip may quickly and easily fasten and unfasten the halves around the conduit joint under test. Each end of the fitting is sealable with a yie


A device for use with a helium mass spectrometer leak detector wherein a joint in a conduit under test is enclosed by a volume, helium is placed in one of the volume or the conduit and the detector is connected to the other of the volume or the conduit to detect helium which passed through a leak in

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Ward, Martin G., Apparatus and method for supporting a pipe coupling.
  2. Ward, Martin G., Apparatus and method for supporting a pipe coupling.
  3. Ward, Martin G., Apparatus and method for supporting a pipe coupling.
  4. Underwood, Steve D.; Garrison, Steve G.; Gant, Bobby D.; Palmer, John R., Apparatus for leak testing pressurized hoses.
  5. Tujii,Hirotsugu; Tuboi,Naohiro, Apparatus for permeability analysis.
  6. Barefoot Byron G., Attachment for sampling purge gas pressure at weld site.
  7. Lawson, Rick A.; Kelly, Michael S., Fugitive emissions detection devices.
  8. Kelly, Michael S.; Lawson, Rick A., Fugitive emissions detection system and components thereof.
  9. Lawson, Rick A.; Kelly, Michael S., Fugitive emissions detection system and components thereof.
  10. Lawson Rick A. ; Kelly Michael S., Fugitive emissions detection systems and components thereof.
  11. Lawson Rick A. (Houston TX), Fugitive emissions indicating device.
  12. Lawson Rick A. ; Kelly Michael S., Fugitive emmissions detection system and components thereof.
  13. Thompson, William W.; Harwood, Allen W.; Stark, Glenn, Leak detection apparatus for aircraft bleed air systems.
  14. Cantwell, Thomas; Simon, William; Young, Bobby, Leak detection method and apparatus.
  15. Miller Ronnie F. (1600 Chantilly St. P.O. Box 1267 LA 70360) Dwyer Arthur L. (101 Sapen Dr. P.O. Box 1267 LA 70360) Miller Darwin A. (200 Bubby Dr. P.O. Box 1267 LA 70360) Miller Darwin L. (200 Bubby, Method and apparatus for leak testing of pipe.
  16. Miller Ronnie F. (Houma LA) Dwyer Arthur L. (Houma LA) Miller Darwin A. (Houma LA) Miller Darwin L. (Houma LA), Method and apparatus for leak testing of pipe.
  17. Miller Ronnie F. (Houma LA) Dwyer Arthur L. (Houma LA) Miller Darwin A. (Houma LA) Miller Darwin L. (Houma LA), Method and apparatus for leak testing of pipe.
  18. Sharp Bruce R. (7685 Fields-Ertel Rd. Cincinnati OH 45241), Method of retrofitting a primary pipeline system with a semi-rigid pipeline.
  19. Stiskin Hal (19400 Cypress Point Dr. Northridge CA 91326) Hogan Joseph M. (30715 Lindsay Canyon Dr. Canyon Country CA 91351) Jones Thomas A. (26847 Chuckwagon Pl. Canyon Country CA 91351), Secondary containment system and method.
  20. Sharp Bruce R. (4090 Rose Hill Ave. Cincinnati OH 45229), Split fittings and pipeline systems using same.
  21. Sharp Bruce R. (4090 Rose Hill Cincinnati OH 45229), Split fittings useful in forming a secondary semi-rigid pipeline over primary pipelines.
  22. Lin,I Kai; Chen,Jia Rong, System and method for ventilation in the fabrication of integrated circuits.
  23. Boutwell Johnie R. (Houma LA), Wraparound used for testing tubing with premixed gases.
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