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[미국특허] Powered hand tool for use in household cleaning operations 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A46B-013/02
출원번호 US-0102643 (1979-12-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lancaster Lorine E. (P.O. Box 1016 San Joaquin CA 93660)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 3


The tool includes a water-tight housing of an elongated configuration having a handle defined therein, an electrically energizable motor mounted in the housing and having a rotary output shaft therefor; a pair of wells spaced 90°apart are provided in the housing as receptacles for a pair of sockets


A powered hand tool particularly suited for use in cleaning household utensils, such as cooking pots and the like, comprising: a water-tight housing of an elongated configuration having a handle defined therein and extended in parallelism with the longitudinal axis of the housing; an electrically en

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sandt Clayton C. (P.O. Box 243 Mt. Pocono PA 18344) Kulp Ira L. (205 Elwyn Ave. Sinking Spring PA 19608), Portable cleaning device.
  2. Meadows Robert J. (Danville VA) Doolittle Stephen D. (Danville VA), Portable cordless scrubber.
  3. Fouracre Roy E. (Mississauga CA), Simultaneous floor edge and baseboard cleaner.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Powell, Andrew J., Apparatus for cleaning baseboards.
  2. Hays, John N., Auxiliary rotary tool drive for hand-held power tools.
  3. Jaffe,Jonathan A., Battery powered grout brush.
  4. Gouge ; Jr. Lloyd V., Cordless multi-purpose high torque generating assembly.
  5. Jones William C. ; Jones Jean K., Device for cleaning, polishing or sanding.
  6. Crespo, Rusbel T., Dual drill and anchoring device.
  7. Searfoss Timothy K., Electric tarp system for truck bed.
  8. Van Wambeke,Weston, Hand-held scrubber.
  9. Horak Charles F. (1700 W. Callighan Fort Stockton TX 79735) Jordan James M. (Box 172 Fort Stockton TX 79735), Hand-held shoe polishing apparatus.
  10. Smith Neville J. (6 Albemarle Terrace ; London Road Attleborough ; Norfolk GB2), Powered cleaning tools.
  11. Root Jeffrey T. ; Kluge Lawrence, Powered water submersible scrubbing device.
  12. McBride Scott (One Hillside Terrace Irvington NY 10533), Rotary power tool having dual outputs.
  13. deBlois Bryan P ; Kaiser David W. ; Nolan Patrick B ; Carbone Richard J., Scrub brush handle.
  14. Jaffe,Jonathan A., Scrub brush implement.
  15. Har, Donna Chan Hung, Shoe polishing system.
  16. Hornsby, James Russell; Benson, Marcellus Rambo; Keefe, III, James Augustus; McGowan, Joseph Lee; Hornsby, Ashley B., Surface treatment device.
  17. Wu Dong Her (141 ; Chang Shui Road ; Sec. 2 Pu Yen Hsiang ; Changhua TWX), Tri-shaft type multi-function cleaner.

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