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[미국특허] Solar energy collecting apparatus and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F24J-003/00
출원번호 US-0089100 (1979-10-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Skillman Dale N. (P.O. Box 1311 Rapid City SD 57709)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 38  인용 특허 : 6


In solar energy collecting apparatus the problems of leakage due to differential thermal expansion and contraction between different parts of the collector, duplication of parts, fixed factory costs, and the unnecessary use of expensive materials are solved by using collector members made using on-s


In solar energy collecting apparatus on a support structure, the combination comprising: a plurality of solar collector members connected side by side, each solar collector member having: a collector panel including an intermediate portion providing a solar collector plate with an absorber surface a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pulver Donald W. (1616 Trolist Drive Pittsburgh PA 15241), Method of solar heating so as to reduce oil and gas consumption.
  2. MacDonald Robert W. G. (Templestowe AUX), Roofing systems.
  3. Pelish James D. (Box 165 West Park NY 12493), Solar collector system using slate absorber panels.
  4. Peterson Roger A. (1088-25th Ave. S.E. Minneapolis MN 55414), Solar energy system.
  5. Goettl ; William H., Solar heat collector and radiator for building roof.
  6. Cook Thomas E. (3570 Maize Road Columbus OH 43224), Solar panel assembly for fluid heating and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (38) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. West, Jack Raymond, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  2. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  3. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  4. West, John R.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  5. Nikkel Ronnie D. (Bartlesville OK) L\Esperance Paul M. (Bartlesville OK), Collector means for solar energy collecting system.
  6. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels.
  7. West, Jack Raymond, Coupling.
  8. Cinnamon, Barry; Baker, David; Leong, Wilson W.; Au, Alexander W., Electrical connectors for solar modules.
  9. Nikiforov, Vladimir; Kirkpatrick, Richard, Integrated thermal and photovoltaic solar collector and method for operation and mounting an array of solar collectors.
  10. Myung, Hwan-Joo; Lee, Soon-Jo, Laundry dryer.
  11. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  12. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  13. West, John R., Leveling foot apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic arrays.
  14. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  15. West, Jack Raymond; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  16. Nikiforov,Vladimir; Kirkpatrick,Richard, Method and apparatus for mounting an array of solar collectors.
  17. Leong, Wilson; Au, Alex, Minimal ballasted surface mounting system and method.
  18. Cinnamon, Barry; Levy, Emanuel E.; Baker, David E.; Au, Alexander A., Mounting system for solar panels.
  19. West, Jack Raymond, Panel frame.
  20. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Panel skirt and photovoltaic panel.
  21. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  22. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  23. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Atchley, Brian, Pivot-fit connection apparatus and system for photovoltaic arrays.
  24. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  25. West, John R., Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  26. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  27. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  28. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Coleman, Nathaniel, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  29. West, John R., Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  30. West, John Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Capsuto, Ian; Medcroft, Chad; Atchley, Brian; Coleman, Nate, Skirt for photovoltaic arrays.
  31. Brown Ronald L. (Twyford GBX), Snap fit building structure.
  32. Liu, Tay-Jian; Xiao, Xin-Jian, Solar air conditioning device.
  33. Skillman Dale N. (P.O. Box 1311 Rapid City SD 57709), Solar energy collecting apparatus and roll-formed metal building.
  34. Smith William F. (353 DeSoto Dr. New Smyrna Beach FL 32069), Solar energy collector and glazing system.
  35. Ryba-White, Julian; Scott, Damien; Tarbell, Ben, Solar panel fire skirt.
  36. Ward,John, Solar still.
  37. Trickel Lorn L. (8806 NE. Thompson St. Portland OR 97220), Solar-energy-collecting structural unit and solar roof.
  38. Clemens, Jonathan A., Universal non-penetrating roof solar panel mounting system.

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