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Splash-proof container and cover 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47G-019/22
  • B65D-041/26
출원번호 US-0138444 (1980-04-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Philip Morris (Bronx NY)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 0


A splash-proof container and container cover in which the container has an opening for pouring liquid from the container, an air opening in the cover for bleeding air into and out of the container, a spout at the edge of the container and container cover adjacent the liquid opening for receiving and


A splash-proof cover for a drinking cup comprising, a circular disc having a snap fitting periphery for engagement with a cup rim, an opening in said disc for dispensing liquid from said cup through said opening in said disc and a splash guard under said opening and secured to the inside of said dis

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

  1. van der Meulen Leendert (1804 Bayshore Raod ; S.W. Calgary ; Alberta CAX T2V 3M1), Beverage can drinking attachment.
  2. Milan, Michael, Beverage container lid.
  3. Milan, Michael, Beverage container lid.
  4. Milan Michael, Beverage container lid having baffle arrangement.
  5. Michael Milan, Beverage container lid having baffle arrangement for liquid cooling.
  6. Zimny Irvin C. ; Maloney Patrick M., Container with molded-in directional pour guide.
  7. Samson, Ilan; Lieberman, Joshua, Cup assembly.
  8. Samson,Ilan; Lieberman,Joshua, Cup assembly.
  9. Sarson, George E.; Howes-Jones, Daryl J.; Kleynhans, Gregory John, Disposable cup with fold-down lid.
  10. Sarson, George E.; Howes-Jones, Daryl J.; Kleynhans, Gregory John, Disposable cup with spill resistant lid.
  11. Chu Donny, Lid device with splashless baffle.
  12. Brannock, Samuel Lincoln, Lid for beverage container.
  13. Brannock, Samuel Lincoln, Lid for beverage container.
  14. Brannock, Samuel Lincoln, Lid with egg shaped basin.
  15. Brannock, Samuel Lincoln, Lid with tear line.
  16. Brannock, Samuel Lincoln, Lid with triangular shaped basin.
  17. van der Meulen Leendert (1804 Bayshore Road ; SW. Calgary ; Alberta CAX T2V 3M1) Van Der Wouden Adriaan (Ulvenhout NLX), Set up piece for mounting on a can, containing a beverage.
  18. Hayes ; Jr. George W. (P.O. Box 764 Suquamish WA 98392), Spill-proof lid.
  19. Mithal, Ashish K, Splash and spill resistant lid.
  20. Lukacevic, Temo, Splash proof lid assembly.
  21. Lukacevic Temo, Splash-proof lid.
  22. Lukacevic, Temo, Splash-proof lid assembly.
  23. Malcolm, Alexander R., Splash-proof lid for a cup.
  24. Mithal, Ashish K, Two-piece splash and spill resistant lid assembly and method therefor.
  25. Herman, Peter, Vessel.
  26. Herman, Peter, Vessel and method for making the same.
  27. Herman, Peter, Vessel and method for making the same.
  28. Herman, Peter; D'Amato, Robert J., Vessel with folded dam.
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