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[미국특허] Three-stage catalyst regeneration 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01J-029/38
  • B01J-021/20
  • C10G-011/18
  • C01B-021/00
출원번호 US-0163534 (1980-06-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Scott John W. (Ross CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Chevron Research Company (San Francisco CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 43  인용 특허 : 4


Coke-containing catalyst is regenerated in a three-stage system to provide complete coke removal while avoiding carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides contamination of the flue gas formed in burning the coke.


A method for burning nitrogen-containing coke off a coke-containing particulate catalyst, which comprises: (a) separating said coke-containing particulate catalyst into a first portion and a second portion; (b) burning substantially all coke off said first portion of said coke-containing catalyst wi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Penick Joe E. (Chappaqua NY), Fluid catalytic cracking.
  2. Luckenbach Edward C. (Mountainside NJ), Method for combusting carbon monoxide in a fluid catalytic cracking process.
  3. Chessmore Donald O. (Pleasant Hill CA) Rudy ; Jr. Charles E. (El Cerrito CA), NOx Control in cracking catalyst regeneration.
  4. Flanders ; Robert L. ; Blanton ; Jr. ; William A., Process for removing pollutants from catalyst regenerator flue gas.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (43) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Yan Tsoung Y. (Philadelphia PA) Green Gary J. (Yardley PA), Apparatus and method for regenerating coked fluid cracking catalyst.
  2. Walters Paul W. (Ashland KY) Raiche H. Anthony (Russell KY) Busch Lloyd E. (Ashland KY), Apparatus for cooling fluid solid particles in a regeneration system.
  3. Comparato Joseph R. (Bloomfield CT), Apparatus for fluidizing a particulate material in a conveying gas.
  4. Palmas, Paolo; Myers, Daniel N., Apparatus for venting a catalyst cooler.
  5. Herbst Joseph A. (Turnersville NJ) Owen Hartley (Belle Mead NJ) Schipper Paul H. (Wilmington DE), Apparatus to reduce NOx emissions from a fluid catalytic cracking unit.
  6. Leib Tiberiu M. (Voorhees NJ) Sapre Ajit V. (W. Berlin NJ), Catalytic cracking process with improved flow in swirl regenerator.
  7. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing; Wang, Fei; Tong, Andrew S.; Karri, Surya B. R.; Findlay, John G.; Knowlton, Ted M.; Cocco, Raymond A., Circulating fluidized bed with moving bed downcomers and gas sealing between reactors.
  8. Cochran, Joseph W., Coal combustion systems with emissions control and fly ash beneficiation and methods thereof.
  9. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing, Conversion of carbonaceous fuels into carbon free energy carriers.
  10. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing, Conversion of carbonaceous fuels into carbon free energy carriers.
  11. Fan, Liang-shih; Li, Fanxing, Conversion of carbonaceous fuels into carbon free energy carriers.
  12. Myers, Daniel N.; Tretyak, Mikhail; Pittman, Rusty M.; Niewiedzial, Steven, FCC spent catalyst distributor.
  13. Myers,Daniel N.; Tretyak,Mikhail; Pittman,Rusty M.; Niewiedzial,Steven, FCC spent catalyst distributor.
  14. Jones Brian C. (Windsor CT), Fine particulate feed system for fluidized bed furnace.
  15. Herbst Josheph A. (Turnersville NJ) Owen Hartley (Belle Mead NJ) Schipper Paul H. (Wilmington DE), Fluid catalytic cracking process and apparatus for more effective regeneration of zeolite catalyst.
  16. Pappal David A. (Haddonfield NJ) Sarli Michael S. (Haddonfield NJ), Fluid catalytic cracking regeneration.
  17. Kovacs Richard C. (Mantua NJ) Krambeck Frederick J. (Cherry Hill NJ) Sarli Michael S. (Haddonfield NJ), Fluid catalytic cracking regeneration with reduction of nitrogen emissions.
  18. Green Gary J. (Yardley PA) Yan Tsoung Y. (Philadelphia PA), Fluidized bed combustion process and apparatus.
  19. Cochran, Joseph W.; Kirkconnell, S. Frank, Fly ash beneficiation systems with sulfur removal and methods thereof.
  20. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing; Zeng, Liang; Sridhar, Deepak, Integration of reforming/water splitting and electrochemical systems for power generation with integrated carbon capture.
  21. Cochran, Joseph W.; Kirkconnell, S. Frank; Giampa, Vincent M., Mercury removal systems using beneficiated fly ash particles and methods thereof.
  22. Wicker Gordon R. (Lakewood CO), Method of autogenously drying coal.
  23. Fan, Liang-Shih; Luo, Siwei; Zeng, Liang, Methods for fuel conversion.
  24. Cochran, Joseph W., Methods for reclaiming and beneficiating fly ash particles and systems thereof.
  25. Child Jonathan E. (Sewell NJ), NOx control during multistage combustion.
  26. Child Jonathan E. (Sewell NJ), NOx control in fluidized bed combustion.
  27. Fan, Liang-Shih; Sridhar, Deepak; Li, Fanxing, Oxygen carrying materials.
  28. Herbst Joseph A. (Turnersville NJ) Owen Hartley (Belle Mead NJ) Schipper Paul H. (Wilmington DE), Process and apparatus for two-phase fluid catalytic cracking system.
  29. Hall Robert N. (Boulder CO) Carlson Franklin B. (Broomfield CO) Thomson William J. (Moscow ID), Process for combusting carbonaceous solids containing nitrogen.
  30. Schucker Robert C. (Baton Rouge LA) Wheelock Kenneth S. (Baton Rouge LA), Process for reactivating perovskite catalysts and hydrocarbon treating processes utilizing the reactivated catalysts.
  31. Herbst Joseph A. (Turnerville NJ) Owen Hartley (Belle Mead NJ) Schipper Paul H. (Wilmington DE), Process for two-phase fluid catalytic cracking system.
  32. Palmas, Paolo; Myers, Daniel N., Process for venting a catalyst cooler.
  33. Herbst Joseph A. (Turnersville NJ) Owen Hartley (Belle Meade NJ) Schipper Paul H. (Wilmington DE), Process to reduce NOx emissions from a fluid catalytic cracking unit.
  34. Benslay Roger M. (Catlettsburg KY), Separation of regenerated catalyst from combustion products.
  35. Benslay, Roger M., Separation of regenerated catalyst from combustion products.
  36. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing; Zeng, Liang, Synthetic fuels and chemicals production with in-situ CO2 capture.
  37. Fan, Liang-Shih; Li, Fanxing; Zeng, Liang, Synthetic fuels and chemicals production with in-situ CO2 capture.
  38. Giampa,Vincent M.; Cochran,Joseph W., System and method for decomposing ammonia from fly ash.
  39. Fan, Liang-Shih; Wang, Dawei, Systems and methods for converting carbonaceous fuels.
  40. Fan, Liang-Shih; Kathe, Mandar; Wang, William; Chung, Elena; Tong, Andrew, Systems and methods for partial or complete oxidation of fuels.
  41. Niccum, Phillip K.; Claude, Alan M.; Peterson, Robert B., Systems and methods for regenerating a spent catalyst.
  42. Niccum, Phillip K.; Claude, Alan M.; Peterson, Robert B., Systems and methods for regenerating a spent catalyst.
  43. Fan, Liang-Shih; Kim, Hyung R.; Li, Fanxing; Zeng, Liang; Wang, Dawei; Wang, Fei, Systems for converting fuel.

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[미국특허] Family sex education board game

미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : | 출원번호 : US-0083877 ( 1979-10-11 ) | 특허번호 : US-4273337 (1981-06-16) | IPC : A63F-003/00 A board game apparatus is provided which is intended to facilitate communication between parents and children regarding facts and attitudes in the area of human sexuality and to provide learning experiences which will lead to improved communication between parents and their children and adults and young people. The apparatus includes a plurality of player tokens, a game board having a closed continuous path defined by a multiplicity of playing spaces, and three decks of cards, each of which contains questions concerning the field of human sexuality; the decks being distinguishable from one another according to degree of difficulty. There is also provided a fourth deck of cards which contains discussion questions for duscussing various attitudes concerning human sexuality and a score sheet for scoring one\s correct answers according to category.

[미국특허] Electronic voting machine with cathode ray tube display

미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : AVM Corporation; | 출원번호 : US-0505199 ( 1700-01-01 ) | 특허번호 : US-4010353 (1977-03-01) | IPC : G07C-013/00 A voting machine system employs a processor section and a plurality of peripheral units, all interconnected by a two-way street or bus system. The peripheral units constitute the voting machine proper and the processor or section acts upon the data generated by the peripheral units. One of the peripheral units is a visual display whereas the ballot format upon which a voter may vote is displayed. This ballot format is called up and displayed in response to unique input provided by the voter and different ballot formats are stored for call-up. Vote selections are made by the voter from the display. Provision is made for voter write-in selections which are stored in machine-readable, i.e., digital form. Two other peripheral units are redundant recording devices, one of which remains with the machine for a permanent record and the other of which is removable to permit forwarding thereof to a central data accumulation center. The removable record is used to program the machine and contains all of the permissable ballot formats. During set-up, the program and information on the removable record is read into the machine and is transferred to the permanent record. Vote selections as well as other data are recorded and a verification display for the voter is read from the record.

[미국특허] Form fit throw-away liner for a reusable paint bucket including roller grate

미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : Erickson Tool Design, Inc.; | 출원번호 : US-0747586 ( 1996-11-13 ) | 특허번호 : US-5727708 (1998-03-17) | IPC : B65D-025/16 A form-fit, disposable liner for a reusable plastic five gallon paint bucket. The liner is a thin, structurally rigid, single piece plastic liner formed by a suitable plastic molding process. The liner includes a cylindrically shaped side wall and a semi-circularly shaped bottom wall that conform to the side wall and bottom wall of the paint bucket. An integral roller landing extends down from a semi-circular shaped top wall at an angle thereto, into a vertically extending planar side wall. The roller landing includes a series of integrally molded ridges that allow a coating product stored in the liner to be loaded into a paint roller. A domed lid is provided that engages with a rim of the liner in a snap-fit engagement to allow the paint product in the liner to be sealed.

[미국특허] Laminated wall structure

미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : Rohm and Haas Company; | 출원번호 : US-0201353 ( 1998-12-01 ) | 특허번호 : US-6931809 (2005-08-23) | IPC : E04B-002/02; E04B-002/72 A laminated wall structure, suitable for use in an exterior insulation finish system, comprises the following layers in the order provided:i) a layer of building sheathing;ii) a layer of water-resistant adhesive which substantially completely covers and adheres to said building sheathing; andiii) a layer of thermal insulation adhered to said building sheathing by said water-resistant adhesive. The laminated wall structure, which can be used with all conventional building sheathings, can require less time to construct than known structures.

[미국특허] Color correlated game board and playing pieces

미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : Roman;Hugo (New York NY 04); | 출원번호 : US-0644851 ( 1984-08-27 ) | 특허번호 : US-4634129 (1987-01-06) | IPC : A63F-003/00 A board game is provided and includes a checker-like game board having a plurality of rows of differently colored playing spaces. Differently colored playing pieces, both of a single color, and two colors, are positionable on the playing spaces in accordance with playing space-playing piece color coincidence. For adult play, movement of the playing pieces to like-colored playing spaces on the opponent\s side of the game board is accomplished by playing piece movement, and jumping of the opponent\s playing pieces; with the single colored playing pieces having greater freedom of movement in the manner of “kings”in checkers. For play by children, movement of the playing pieces to like-colored playing spaces on the opponent\s side of the game board is accomplished by playing piece movement in accordance with sequential “throws”of multi-colored cubes.

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