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[미국특허] Electric immersion heater for heating corrosive liquids 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-003/80
  • F24H-001/22
  • H01C-003/18
출원번호 US-0020721 (1979-03-15)
우선권정보 GB-0010548 (1978-03-16); GB-0017849 (1978-05-04); GB-0048188 (1978-12-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Welsby Dennis H. (Donning GB2) Dewson Alan G. (Workingham GB2)
출원인 / 주소
  • E. Braude (London) Limited (Surrey GB2 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 0


An electric immersion heater of planar construction for use in industrial processes is constructed of a non-corrodable material and may be immersed at the side of a processing not containing corrosive liquids. The heater includes a thin planar polymeric support frame having side members with end sec


An electric immersion heater comprising, a support frame having opposed end portions and side members, said support frame defining a thin planar substantially rectangular frame, said side members provided with end sections extending beyond said frame end portions, an electrical resistance heating el

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Theodore Von Arx, Electrofusing of thermoplastic heating elements and elements made thereby.
  2. James M. Rutherford, Fibrous supported polymer encapsulated electrical component.
  3. Rutherford James M., Fibrous supported polymer encapsulated electrical component.
  4. VonArx, Theodore; Tweedy, Clifford D.; Laken, Keith; Adank, David, Flexible spirally shaped heating element.
  5. Rutherford James M. ; Eckman Charles J. ; Arx Theodore Von, Heating element suitable for preconditioning print media.
  6. Eckman Charles M. (Dallas PA), Immersion heating element with electric resistance heating material and polymeric layer disposed thereon.
  7. Eckman Charles M. ; Roden James S. ; Hochberg Arie, Immersion heating element with highly thermally conductive polymeric coating.
  8. Grant, Mike A.; Tweedy, Clifford D.; Schlesselman, John W., Internal heating element for pipes and tubes.
  9. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W., Method of formable thermoplastic laminate heated element assembly.
  10. Charles M. Eckman ; James S. Roden, Method of making an improved polymeric immersion heating element with skeletal support and optional heat transfer fins.
  11. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W.; Papenfuss, Ronald E., Method of manufacturing a molded heating element assembly.
  12. Kusek Walter W., Method of manufacturing a sheathed electrical heater assembly.
  13. Theodore Von Arx ; Keith Laken, Modular heat exchanger.
  14. Theodore Von Arx ; Keith Laken ; John W. Schlesselman ; Ronald E. Papenfuss, Molded assembly with heating element captured therein.
  15. Steinhauser Louis P. ; Juethner A. Konrad, Molded polymer composite heater.
  16. Von Arx, Theodore; Laken, Keith; Schlesselman, John W.; Tweedy, Clifford D., Packaging having self-contained heater.
  17. Eckman Charles M. ; Roden James S., Polymeric immersion heating element with skeletal support and optional heat transfer fins.
  18. Verstraeten, Steve; Lanckmans, Filip; Schildermans, Inge; Van Wassenhove, Veerle; Tack, Lieven, Selective catalytic reduction tank with heating element.
  19. Tweedy, Clifford D.; VonArx, Theodore, Small diameter low watt density immersion heating element.
  20. Kiyohito Koizumi JP; Hiroshi Osuda JP; Toru Matoba JP; Masataka Fukuizumi JP; Takayuki Sadakata JP, System and method for continuously reprocessing waste sulfuric acid liquid, and heater supporting structure for heating a vessel made of glass.

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