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Method and apparatus for determining focus direction and amount 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01J-001/20
출원번호 US-0168225 (1980-07-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Langlais Richard A. (Littleton CO) Ogawa Francis T. (Lakewood CO) Wilwerding Dennis J. (Littleton CO)
출원인 / 주소
  • Honeywell Inc. (Minneapolis MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 2


A system for determining the range to an object utilizing a plurality of radiation responsive detectors arranged in groupings wherein a first grouping of detectors receives radiation from the object in a first pattern and the second grouping of detectors receives radiation from the object in a secon


Apparatus for use with an auto focus system which includes lens means that produces first and second radiation distribution patterns of a scene to be focussed upon, the patterns being similar and in a first relative position when the lens means is in a proper focus position with respect to the scene

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Nakamura ; Kazuo ; Miyata ; Katsuhiko ; Tokutomi ; Seijiro, Focus detecting device for single-lens reflex cameras.
  2. Stauffer Norman L. (Englewood CO), Range determination system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

  1. Cohen Donald K. (Tucson AZ) Ayres James D. (Tucson AZ) Cochran Eugene R. (Tucson AZ), Apparatus and method for automatically focusing an interference microscope.
  2. Ohno, Yoshimi; Tsurukawa, Ikuya, Auto-focusing method.
  3. Yoshimura Hirofumi (Nakano JPX), Autofocusing zoom lens system with beam splitter prism for single lens reflex cameras.
  4. Ishibashi Kenji (Sakai JPX) Hamada Masataka (Osaka JPX) Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Taniguchi Nobuyuki (Nishinomiya JPX) Ootsuka Hiroshi (Sakai JPX), Automatic focus control device for use in a camera system.
  5. Kusaka Yosuke (Kawasaki JPX), Automatic focusing device.
  6. Sakai Shinji (Tokyo JPX) Kawabata Takashi (Kanagawa JPX), Automatic focusing device.
  7. Sakai Shinji (Tokyo JPX) Kawabata Takashi (Kanagawa JPX), Automatic focusing device having a hunting prevention circuit.
  8. Akashi Akira (Kanagawa JPX) Yamada Masanori (Kanagawa JPX), Automatic focusing device with low light contrast inhibiting means.
  9. Covey Robert L. (Hightstown NJ), Automatic focussing system.
  10. Wilwerding Dennis J. (Littleton CO) Adams ; Jr. James R. (Westminster CO), Detector mismatch correction apparatus.
  11. Thoma Wilhelm (Leverkusen DEX) Langel Rolf (Leverkusen DEX) Schrer Walter (Leverkusen DEX), Dispersion compositions, a process for their production and their use.
  12. Norita Toshio (Sakai JPX) Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Hamada Masataka (Minamikawachi JPX) Karasaki Toshihiko (Sakai JPX) Taniguchi Nobuyuki (Nishinomiya JPX), Focus condition detecting device.
  13. Norita Toshio (Sakai JPX) Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Hamada Masataka (Minamikawachi JPX) Karasaki Toshihiko (Sakai JPX) Taniguchi Nobuyuki (Nishinomiya JPX), Focus condition detecting device.
  14. Suzuki Kenji (Kawasaki JPX), Focus detecting apparatus.
  15. Akashi Akira (Yokohama JPX) Ishizaki Akira (Yokohama JPX) Suda Yasuo (Yokohama JPX) Ohnuki Ichiro (Tokyo JPX) Ohtaka Keiji (Tokyo JPX) Koyama Takeshi (Tokyo JPX), Focus detecting apparatus for selecting the operating process in conformity with the contrast of an object.
  16. Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Hamada Masataka (Minamikawachi JPX), Focus detecting device for use with cameras.
  17. Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Hamada Masataka (Osaka JPX), Focus detecting device for use with cameras.
  18. Ishida Tokuji (Daito JPX) Hamada Masataka (Osaka JPX), Focus detecting device for use with cameras.
  19. Matsui Toru (Sakai JPX) Karasaki Toshihiko (Sakai JPX), Focus detecting system for camera utilizing correction data on the aberration of the photographic lens.
  20. Matsui Toru (Sakai JPX) Karasaki Toshihiko (Sakai JPX), Focus detecting system utilizing correction data on aberrations of the photographic lens.
  21. Suzuki Kenji (Kawasaki JPX), Focus detection apparatus for a camera.
  22. Makino Masamori (Hachioji JPX), Focus detection apparatus for camera.
  23. Akashi Akira (Yokohama JPX) Ishizaki Akira (Yokohama JPX) Hiramatsu Akira (Yokohama JPX) Suda Yasuo (Yokohama JPX) Ohtaka Keiji (Tokyo JPX), Focus detection system employing multiple area light distribution sensors.
  24. Deck Leslie L. ; Chakmakjian Stephen H., Method and apparatus for automatically and simultaneously determining best focus and orientation of objects to be measu.
  25. Yokoyama Shotaro (Kawasaki JPX) Nishinbe Takashi (Kawasaki JPX), Method and system for detecting whether an optical system is in focus using an improved interpolation technique.
  26. Ishikawa Norio (Osaka JPX), Motor drive lens shifting system for use in autofocus camera.
  27. Wilwerding Dennis J. (Littleton CO), Performance improvement for camera autofocus.
  28. Sullivan Charles T. (Burnsville MN) Zook J. David (Burnsville MN), Real-time color comparator.
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