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[미국특허] Combined cycle electric power plant with feedforward afterburner temperature setpoint control 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-006/18
출원번호 US-0564563 (1975-04-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Uram Robert (East Pittsburgh PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Westinghouse Electric Corp. (Pittsburgh PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


A combined cycle electric power plant includes gas and steam turbines and a steam generator for recovering the heat in the exhaust gases exited from the gas turbine and for using the recovered heat to produce and supply steam to the steam turbine. The steam generator includes a superheater tube thro


A combined cycle electric power plant comprising at least one gas turbine and a steam turbine, a heat recovery steam generator connected to deliver steam to said steam turbine, an afterburner connected to deliver heat to said steam generator and connected to receive exhaust gas from said at least on

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  2. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  3. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  4. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of multiple fuel gas turbine combustion systems.
  5. Knode, Galen Edgar; Kober, Steven J.; Raneri, Daniel Curtis; Walsh, III, Richard M., Automatic configuration of a load control system.
  6. Knode, Galen Edgar; Kober, Steven J.; Raneri, Daniel Curtis; Walsh, III, Richard M., Automatic configuration of a load control system.
  7. Knode, Galen Edgar; Kober, Steven J.; Raneri, Daniel Curtis; Walsh, III, Richard M., Automatic configuration of a load control system.
  8. Petzen, John, Control of steam temperature in combined cycle power plant.
  9. Brandon, Robert, Duct burner with conical wire mesh and vanes.
  10. Beveridge, Robert Allen; Whalen, Jr., Richard J., Dynamic matrix control of steam temperature with prevention of saturated steam entry into superheater.
  11. Beveridge, Robert A.; Whalen, Jr., Richard J., Dynamic tuning of dynamic matrix control of steam temperature.
  12. Martens Alan (Berwyn PA) Myers Gerald A. (Swarthmore PA) McCarty William L. (West Chester PA) Wescott Kermit R. (Kennett Square PA), Heat recovery steam generator outlet temperature control system for a combined cycle power plant.
  13. Rollins, III, William S., High density combined cycle power plant process.
  14. Rollins, III,William S., High density combined cycle power plant process.
  15. William S. Rollins, III, High density combined cycle power plant process.
  16. Rollins ; III William Scott, High power density combined cycle power plant.
  17. Rollins, III, William S., High power density combined cycle power plant system.
  18. Martens, Alan; Hobbs, Milton M.; Myers, Gerald A., Initial steam flow regulator for steam turbine start-up.
  19. Cheng, Xu; Kephart, Richard W.; Schilling, Steven J., Method for controlling power generation unit to desired output as specified by load demand signal by using modified control signal.
  20. Bescherer, Helmut; Diegel, Dieter; Frank, Reinhard; Gottfried, Peter; Henning, Michael; Zaviska, Oldrich, Method for the primary control in a combined gas/steam turbine installation.
  21. Beveridge, Robert Allen, Model-based load demand control.
  22. Beveridge, Robert Allen, Model-based load demand control.
  23. Chandler, Christopher, Optimization of gas turbine combustion systems low load performance on simple cycle and heat recovery steam generator applications.
  24. Pantazi, Angeliki; Sebastian, Abu; Tuma, Tomas, Performance improvement of signal transformation schemes for ultra-fast scanning.
  25. Kiga, Hikaru; Tobo, Masayuki; Akebi, Toyohiro; Nakamura, Keiichi, Plant control apparatus and combined cycle power plant.
  26. Price, Julian Graham, Production of hydrocarbon products.
  27. Rice Ivan G. (P.O. Box 233 Spring TX 77383), Split stream boiler for combined cycle power plants.
  28. Jourdain, Vincent; Viola, Bernard; Milet, Damien, Steam supply circuit from a turbine.
  29. Sekiai,Takaaki; Shimizu,Satoru; Oosawa,You, Steam temperature control system, method of controlling steam temperature and power plant using the same.
  30. Beveridge, Robert A.; Whalen, Jr., Richard J., Steam temperature control using dynamic matrix control.
  31. Durmaz, Ahmet; Lara, Marcelo Andres, System and method for converting heat energy into electrical energy through and organic rankine cycle (ORC) system.
  32. Kim, Kihyung; Gulen, Seyfettin Can; Thompson, Brett Matthew, System and method for loading a combined cycle power plant.
  33. Oh, Sung Keun; Lee, Jea Jun; Lim, Ju Chang; Lee, Sang Hoon; Lee, Sang Myeong; Kim, Ki Tae; Hah, Yong Sik; Kim, Chul Kyu, Turbine power generation system having emergency operation means, and emergency operation method therefor.

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