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[미국특허] Tele-photographic lens of large aperture ratio 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02G-009/62
  • G02B-013/02
출원번호 US-0144989 (1980-04-30)
우선권정보 JP-0055474 (1979-05-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kitagishi Nozomu (Kawasaki JPX) Fujibayashi Kazuo (Yokohama JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Canon Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 1


A tele-photographic lens of a small F-number comprising a positive first lens group, a negative second lens group, a negative third lens group and a positive fourth lens group. Focusing is carried out by moving the third lens group in the direction of the optical axis. Assuming that the compound foc


A tele-photographic lens of a large aperture ratio comprising: a fixed first lens group which has a positive refracting power; a fixed second lens group which has a negative refracting power and is disposed on the image side of said first lens group; a third lens group which has a negative refractin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Momiyama Kikuo (Kanagawa JPX), Telephoto lens.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Endo,Hiroshi, Imaging optical system and image capturing apparatus including imaging optical system.
  2. Mihara Shinichi (Hachiooji JPX), Large-aperture ratio telephoto lens system.
  3. Iizuka Yutaka (Tokyo JPX), Lenses capable of close-up photography.
  4. Maetaki,Satoshi, Optical system.
  5. Ogawa,Hideki, Optical system.
  6. Ogawa,Hideki, Optical system.
  7. Hideki Ogawa JP, Optical system and optical apparatus having the same.
  8. Nishio Akihiro,JPX ; Ogawa Hideki,JPX ; Misaka Makoto,JPX, Optical system and optical apparatus having the same.
  9. Ogawa, Hideki, Optical system and optical apparatus having the same.
  10. Ishibashi, Tomohiko, Optical system and optical apparatus including optical system.
  11. Maetaki,Satoshi, Optical system and optical apparatus including the same.
  12. Ogawa,Hideki, Optical system and optical apparatus including the same.
  13. Ogawa,Hideki, Optical system and optical apparatus including the same.
  14. Matoba,Toru, Printer apparatus and printer system using unique job indentifiers, and control method therefor.
  15. Matoba,Toru, Printer, printing control apparatus and printing system using unique job identifiers, and control method therefor.
  16. Matoba,Toru, Printer, printing control apparatus and printing system using unique job identifiers, and control method therefor.
  17. Kasahara, Takashi; Imamura, Masahiro, Telephoto lens and telephoto lens apparatus having the same.
  18. Nakamura Akiyoshi (Sakai JPX), Telephoto lens system.
  19. Hosoya,Takeshi, Telephoto lens, telephoto lens system, and imaging system incorporating the same.
  20. Endo,Hiroshi; Obu,Kenji, Zoom lens system and image pickup apparatus including the same.

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