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[미국특허] Child-proof container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45C-013/10
출원번호 US-0194346 (1980-10-06)
우선권정보 SE-0008671 (1979-10-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Anjou Gunnar (Saltholmsgatan 43 Vstra Frlunda SEX 421 76)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 46  인용 특허 : 2


A child-proof container (1) comprising a box (2) and a casing (3), in which the box is insertable, whereby the opening of the box is prevented by means of catch members (4), which in unloaded condition project a small distance into the box from the inner side of one of the flat side surfaces (3a) of


In a child-proof container of the type comprising a drawer which is slidably displaceable in a casing having at least one of its flat side walls made from a material which is flexible in the latitudinal direction and on the inside of said one flat side wall is provided with catch means extending the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoo William K. C. (3 Sherwood Dr. Bedford MA 01730), Safety container having a slideable closure.
  2. Wisdom ; Trevor C. ; Wisdom ; Leroy J., Safety match box.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (46) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hession, Christopher J., Blister card for child-resistant package.
  2. Buss,Michael Adam, Blister pack having a tether ultrasonically welded through a lidding and into a rib.
  3. Evans, James Ivor; Treleaven, Carl W., Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  4. James Ivor Evans ; Carl W. Treleaven, Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  5. Cronin, Edward P., Child resistant container.
  6. Cronin, Edward P.; Basak, Michael K., Child resistant container.
  7. Reeve, Randy F., Child resistant container.
  8. Nivala, Michelle, Child resistant tablet package.
  9. Anjou Gunnar (Vstra Frlunda SEX), Child-proof container.
  10. Grosskopf, Glenn A., Child-resistant packaging container and blank.
  11. Michael Buss, Child-resistant product package.
  12. Burek, Paul Phillip; Ludlow, William Edward, Child-resistant storage case.
  13. Sack, Ryen; Knutson, Curtis A.; Moyer, Thomas, Child-resistant, senior-friendly package having a squeeze-release mechanism and method of assembly.
  14. Sack, Ryen; Knutson, Curtis A.; Moyer, Thomas, Child-resistant, senior-friendly package having a squeeze-release mechanism and method of assembly.
  15. Kutsch,John H.; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  16. Kutsch,John H.; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  17. Kutsch,John H.; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  18. Kutsch,John H.; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  19. Kutsch,John H.; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  20. Kutsch,John H; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  21. Kutsch,John H; Thiellier,Rutger; Vest,Andrew, Container.
  22. Kutsch, John H.; Thiellier, Rutger; Vest, Andrew, Container for consumer article.
  23. Buss,Michael, Customizable fold-over card.
  24. Bailey, Ryan A.; Gelardi, John A., Dispensing container.
  25. Gelardi, John A.; Loftin, Caleb S., Dispensing container.
  26. Bailey, Ryan A.; Gelardi, John A., Dispensing container for metered dispensing of product.
  27. Bailey, Ryan A.; Gelardi, John A., Dual cavity sliding dispenser.
  28. Hession, Christopher J., Insert for sleeve-and-insert type package.
  29. Paliotta, Michael; Howell, George, Lock and release mechanism of child resistant unit dose package.
  30. Gelardi, John A., Lockable and compartmentalized package.
  31. Patwardhan, Tanuja A.; Jones, Marty, Lockable packaging.
  32. Hession, Christopher Jeffrey, Packaging system with an improved inner structure.
  33. Kutsch, John H.; Thiellier, Rutger; Vest, Andrew; Thompson, Janet; Pham, Xuam; Mitten, Robert T.; DeVerry, Yvonne; Mengeu, Gary; Getsy, Stephen, Pocket-size hand-held container for consumer items.
  34. Mitten, Robert T.; Pham, Xuan M.; DeVerry, Yvonne; Bergmann, Sven; Bellamah, Stephen J.; Getsy, Stephen, Pocket-sized, hand-held container for consumer items having a receptacle for used product, sealed tray, and thumb ridge on lid.
  35. Schwester, Charles, Product package and related method.
  36. Schwester, Charles, Product package and related method.
  37. Caruso, Richard; Caruso, Jr., Richard Bruce, Protector for keyless entry device.
  38. Warner, Nancy; Buck, Jeremiah, Safety container.
  39. Gelardi, John A.; Bailey, Ryan A.; Falcon, Sara, Single piece container for securing an insert card.
  40. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  41. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  42. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  43. Buss,Michael Adam, System and a method for a V-indent blister opening cavity.
  44. Dixon Rodney D., Tamper resistant container.
  45. Johnstone Scott Bowen ; Jones Brad Allen ; Mellon Mark ; Rigby William Roger, Unit dose packaging system (UDPS) having a child resistant locking feature.
  46. Karow Meredith McHugh, Unit dose packaging system (udps) having a child resistant locking feature.

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