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[미국특허] Adjustable mounting rack for solar collectors 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47G-029/02
  • E04G-003/08
  • E06G-007/28
출원번호 US-0108942 (1979-12-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Clark Peter D. (East Berlin CT)
출원인 / 주소
  • Sunsearch, Inc. (Guilford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 89  인용 특허 : 4


A rack for supportively mounting a solar collector to a mounting surface to set the angle of tilt with respect to the sun. One end of the rack is adapted to provide predominant support of the collector, while the other end is height adjustable to provide the proper angle and to accept tension and/or


In combination with a solar collector and a support surface therefor, a rack for mounting the collector at an angle to the horizontal to receive solar radiation, said rack comprising first and second independent support assemblies, said first support assembly having a first pair of spaced apart leg

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Brandt Richard F. (10 South St. Red Bank NJ 07701), Mounting bracket for solar heat collector.
  2. Boyce James R. (Rte. 3 ; Box 201 Orlando FL 32811) Farber Erich A. (1218 NE. 5th St. Gainesville FL 32601), Solar energy collection and utilization system.
  3. Daly ; George W. ; Rucker ; Joseph R., Speaker mounting system.
  4. Krueger Wallace F. (Toledo OH) Shaw Anthony R. (Waterville OH) Smith Jerry L. (Waterville OH), System for mounting solar collector panels.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (89)

  1. Patton, John C.; Li, YangLin; Zhang, ZhengXue, Adaptive installation roof mounted solar power system.
  2. Muller,Mauro, Adjustable and modular security apparatus for protection of door and window openings.
  3. Russell,Miles Clayton, Apparatus and method for mounting photovoltaic power generating systems on buildings.
  4. West, Jack Raymond, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  5. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  6. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  7. West, John R.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  8. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  9. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  10. Russell, Miles C., Apparatus for mounting photovoltaic power generating systems on buildings.
  11. Lacey Thomas G. (3516 E. Clinton Fresno CA 93703), Apparatus for mounting solar cells.
  12. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels.
  13. West, Jack Raymond, Coupling.
  14. Hovland Lyle W. (Murrysville PA) Klingensmith James D. (Apollo PA), Dish antennae mounting structure.
  15. Atchley, Brian; Fedoroff, Geoffrey; O'Connor, Joe; West, Jack Raymond; Crecelius, Ian, East-west photovoltaic array with spaced apart photovoltaic modules for improved aerodynamic efficiency.
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  17. Cinnamon, Barry; Baker, David; Leong, Wilson W.; Au, Alexander W., Electrical connectors for solar modules.
  18. Hunt, Thomas Peter, Electrical interconnects for photovoltaic modules and methods thereof.
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  22. Mandry, James E.; Pelletier, Mark; Bourque, Raymond Matthew, Highly adjustable and adaptable exterior panel racking system.
  23. Sager, Jens; Grab-Renner, Toni; Babbe, Andreas, Holding and fastening device.
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  28. Patton, John C.; Lindstrom, Todd; Hafter, Eric, Lateral movement solar panel mounting system.
  29. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  30. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  31. West, John R., Leveling foot apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic arrays.
  32. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  33. West, Jack Raymond; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  34. Patton, John C.; Lindstrom, Todd; Hafter, Eric, Method and apparatus for mounting solar panels.
  35. Swahn, Anders; Oels, Wolfgang, Methods of making photovoltaic arrays and rail systems.
  36. Leong, Wilson; Au, Alex, Minimal ballasted surface mounting system and method.
  37. Mischo, Donald J., Modular ballast system for membrane roofs.
  38. Harberts, John Henry; Klinkman, John Edward, Modular solar panel racking system.
  39. Corio, Ronald P.; Williamson, John N.; McLane, Kaleb W., Mounting bracket assemblies and methods.
  40. Schoop, Urs; Albright, Scot; Verebelyi, Darren; Stoss, Walter; Podkin, Michael L., Mounting structures for photovoltaic cells.
  41. Cinnamon, Barry; Levy, Emanuel E.; Baker, David E.; Au, Alexander A., Mounting system for solar panels.
  42. West, Jack Raymond, Panel frame.
  43. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Panel skirt and photovoltaic panel.
  44. Lenox, Carl J. S., Photovoltaic array with minimally penetrating rooftop support system.
  45. Atchley, Brian; Fedoroff, Geoffrey; West, Jack Raymond, Photovoltaic panel array.
  46. Atcha, Imran; Raileanu, Dorin Lucian; Marentette, Matthew Paul; Yarusevych, Volodymyr, Photovoltaic panel racking system.
  47. Atcha, Imran; Raileanu, Dorin Lucian; Marentette, Matthew Paul; Yarusevych, Volodymyr, Photovoltaic panel racking system.
  48. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Atchley, Brian, Pivot-fit connection apparatus and system for photovoltaic arrays.
  49. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  50. West, John R., Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  51. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  52. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  53. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Coleman, Nathaniel, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  54. West, John R., Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  55. Swahn, Anders; Oels, Wolfgang, Rail systems and methods for installation and operation of photovoltaic arrays.
  56. Yang, Alex; West, Brian; West, Jack, Ramp mounting system for a flat roof solar array.
  57. Hutchings ; II Robert L. (395 NW. 150th Portland OR) Bartlett James R. (395 NW. 150th Beaverton OR 97006), Roof safety barrier supporting frame.
  58. Kapner Mark, Roofing panels with integral brackets for accepting inclined solar panels.
  59. Silberschatz, Paul Joseph; Rodowca, Jerrod Quinton, Rooftop photovoltaic modules.
  60. Adriani, Paul; Morris, Neil; Hennessy, Kevin; Swahn, Anders; Hunt, Thomas Peter; Castro Hernandez, Luis Francisco, Rotatable support system for mounting one or more photovoltaic modules.
  61. West, John Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Capsuto, Ian; Medcroft, Chad; Atchley, Brian; Coleman, Nate, Skirt for photovoltaic arrays.
  62. Stancel, Robert, Slidable mounting system for solar modules.
  63. Huber, Michael S.; Bowler, Michael E., Solar array integration system and methods therefor.
  64. Seery, Martin; Miros, Robert H. J., Solar array mounting system with universal clamp.
  65. Seery, Martin; Miros, Robert H. J., Solar array mounting system with universal clamp.
  66. Yen, Tung-I, Solar module.
  67. Leary, Daniel Patrick, Solar module integration system.
  68. Anderson, David; Jovanovic, Vasilije, Solar module integration system with thermal compensation.
  69. Stancel, Robert, Solar module mounting apparatus allowing for at least one degree of freedom.
  70. Anderson, David; Jovanovic, Vasilije, Solar module mounting system improvements.
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  75. Krantz, Norman L.; Howell, Henry J.; Smith, David S., Solar panel positioning system.
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  79. Aramaki, Yoshihiro; Sagayama, Kenichi, Structure mounting and supporting device and method.
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  81. Swahn, Anders; Morris, Neil; Hennessy, Kevin; Hunt, Thomas Peter; Adriani, Paul, Systems for mounting photovoltaic modules.
  82. French, Adam; Hennessy, Kevin, Systems, vehicles, and methods for maintaining rail-based arrays of photovoltaic modules.
  83. Anderson, David, Thermal growth compensators, systems, and methods.
  84. Anderson, David; Jovanovic, Vasilije, Thermal growth compensators, systems, and methods.
  85. Ullman Stanley A., Tile roof structure for supporting a heavy load without damage to the tile.
  86. French, Adam; Wheeler, Timothy; Hennessy, Kevin; Crowe, Jess; Castro Hernandez, Luis Francisco, Vehicles and methods for magnetically managing legs of rail-based photovoltaic modules during installation.
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  88. Holland, Rodney Hans; Bailey, Sean, Wind screens for photovoltaic arrays and methods thereof.
  89. Cunniffe Nigel James,AUX, Work platform for roof construction work.
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