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Weighing system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01G-023/08
  • G01G-021/24
출원번호 US-0265088 (1981-05-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lee, Shih-Ying
  • Briefer, Dennis K.
출원인 / 주소
  • Setra Systems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Kenway & Jenney
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 14


A weighing system includes a weighing pan connected to a rigid armature by a linkage in a manner constraining the armature to motion along a reference axis with respect to the housing. Another linkage couples the armature to a housing. A low friction damper is coupled between the weighing pan and th


1. A weighing system comprising: A. force input member for supporting an object-to-be-weighed, B. a rigid armature member, C. first linkage including means for coupling said armature and a reference member whereby said armature is constrained to motion substantially parallel to a reference axis

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Sette Paul R. (Hamden CT) Storace Anthony (Tarrytown NY), Apparatus for preventing the overload of a load cell.
  2. Lewis Howard B. (Evergreen CO), Capacitive load cell and method of manufacture.
  3. Storace ; Anthony, Elastic-type clamp for a twin leaf spring scale.
  4. Knothe Erich (Bovenden DEX) Berg Christoph (Gottingen DEX) Melcher Franz J. (Ellierode DEX), Electromagnetically compensating beam balance.
  5. Berg Christoph (Gottingen DT) Stadler Eberhard (Gottingen DT), Electromagnetically compensating beamless dynamometer or weighing machine.
  6. Brendel Albert E. (Lake Orion MI), Force measuring apparatus.
  7. Jacobson Walter E. (Meriden CT), Leverless scale sensor.
  8. Shoberg ; Ralph S., Load cell.
  9. Strobel Felix (Am Pfisterholzli 26 CH-8606 Greifensee CH) Kunz Peter (Heligeichstrasse 32 CH-8630 Tann-Ruti CH), Load-compensating weighing apparatus including signal modifying means.
  10. Knothe Erich (Bovenden DEX) Berg Christoph (Gottingen DEX) Stadler Eberhard (Gottingen DEX) Kohne Hans-Heinrich (Gottingen DEX), Parallel construction for a top-loading balance.
  11. Canevari Louis T. (Norwalk CT), Series twin leaf spring weighing scale.
  12. Wiater Kenneth Walter (Palatine IL), Skirted dashpot piston.
  13. Kunz Peter (Tann-Ruti CHX), Top loading balance.
  14. Kunz Peter (Tann-Ruti CH), Weighing apparatus including linearized electromagnetic compensation means.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Harish, Divyasimha; Dallenbach, William D.; Wong, King; Schultz, John, Cylindrical capacitive force sensing device and method.
  2. Ljungstrm Karl R. T. (Sollentuna SEX), Electronic scale.
  3. Harish,Divyasimha; Dallenbach,William D., Flexible apparatus and method to enhance capacitive force sensing.
  4. Morino Taisuke (Suita JPX), Food weight measuring device for cooking apparatus.
  5. Dallenbach,William D.; Harish,Divyasimha, Gap-change sensing through capacitive techniques.
  6. Lee Shih-Ying (Lincoln MA), Linear motion linkage.
  7. Harish,Divyasimha; Dallenbach,William D.; Wong,King; Schultz,John, Multi-zone capacitive force sensing device and methods.
  8. Kunz Peter (Gossau CHX), Scale with simplified guidance-damper construction.
  9. Brock Marilyn A. (Morris Plains NJ) Scheffer Daniel G. (Rockaway Township ; Morris County NJ), Spring-type adjustable mounting for weighing scale flexures.
  10. Scheffer Daniel G. (Rockaway Township ; Morris County NJ) Brock Marilyn A. (Morris Plains NJ), Toggle-type adjustable mounting for weighing scale flexures.
  11. Konishi Satoshi (Kusatsu JPX) Kitagawa Kazumi (Shiga JPX) Utsunomiya Michito (Kusatsu JPX), Weighing machine with dummy load cell for error correction.
  12. Sigg Max (Weisslingen CHX), Weighing scale having a hydraulic damper intercoupled between the load receiver and the measuring cell.
  13. Lee Shih-Ying (Lincoln MA) Briefer Dennis K. (Berlin MA), Weighing system.
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