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Collapsible, portable, open-top container for liquid, preferably 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-033/38
  • B65D-030/28
출원번호 US-0211795 (1980-12-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hoie, Karl H.
대리인 / 주소
    Browdy and Neimark
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 2


A portable folding water tank which is reversible and can present one of two colors for military camouflage purposes. The tank has a shape of a truncated cone and includes filler pipe means at the bottom. A cover which can also serve as a carrier for the folded tank is also provided.


1. A collapsible, portable, open-top container for liquids, such as water, having a bottom and side walls made of a flexible, high-tensile-strength material, and a ring-shaped float body disposed along the upper edge portion of the side walls, said float body in its entirety being disposed inwardly

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Yamaguchi ; Miyoichi, Foldable tank for containing liquids.
  2. Phillips Lawrence M. (Olivenhain CA) Porter Homer O. (Del Mar CA), Motion compensating liquid holding tank.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18)

  1. Keil, Ryan Jarred; Wagenen, Adam Van, Collapsible dog bowl.
  2. LeCoq, John Land, Collapsible pet bowl.
  3. Joshi, Yatish J.; Costa, Larry J.; Addicott, Louise E., Collapsible storage tank for liquids.
  4. Zheng,Yu, Collapsible structures.
  5. Brown, Craig, Convertible water bottle pouch and bowl.
  6. Lin, Hua Hsiang; Hsu, Yaw Yuan, Drain for a pool.
  7. Shimozono Kiichiro,JPX ; Oishi Norio,JPX ; Takeda Toshiyuki,JPX, Foldable and simplified water tank.
  8. Jones Paul, Foldable bowl.
  9. Christensen,Jan, Foldable water tank.
  10. Christopher A. Gumper, Folding bowl with lid.
  11. Plott, Jeffrey Stephen; Plott, Christopher John, Fully eversible beverage receptacle.
  12. Auerbach Steven L. (5434 Wichita Dr. ; Apt. K-2 Fayetteville NC) Conklin Sharon J. (5434 Wichita Dr. ; Apt. K-2 Fayetteville NC 28303), Helmet liner for containing water.
  13. Peterson Leroy L., Inflatable swimming pool construction.
  14. Joshi, Yatish J.; Costa, Larry J.; Addicott, Louise E., Method of fabricating and testing a storage tank.
  15. Perlatti, Deano, Rain water collection system components and method of fabrication.
  16. Martinez Marie F., Recyclopool.
  17. Siyaj Jamal Mustafa, Reusable portable flexible fillable barrier and method of application thereof.
  18. Perlatti, Deano, System and method for collecting rain water.
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