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[미국특허] Emulsion polymerization process for ABS polyblends 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08F-279/02
출원번호 US-0325260 (1981-11-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Auclair, Richard M.
  • Paul, Rajendra
출원인 / 주소
  • Monsanto Company
대리인 / 주소
    Murphy, Michael J.Farrington, William J.Matukaitis, Paul D.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 6


This invention relates to a novel emulsion polymerization process for preparing a latex of rubber particles having a bimodal rubber particle size distribution of large and small particles followed by grafting said rubber particles with a monomer mixture forming a polyblend of said grafted rubber par


1. A process for preparing ABS polyblends by emulsion polymerization comprising: A. polymerizing a diene monomer formulation dispersed in an aqueous medium by using an anionic emulsifier in a first amount sufficient to disperse and form a first mode of diene rubber particles having a particle siz

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Papetti Stelvio (Leominster MA), Compositions having high impact at low rubber levels.
  2. Chaudhary Sohan S. (Monroeville PA), High impact graft copolymers.
  3. Dupre Carl R. (Amherst MA), Method for preparing a monoalkenyl aromatic polyblend having a dispersed rubber phase as particles with a bimodal partic.
  4. Lavengood Richard E. (Longmeadow MA), Method for preparing a monoalkenyl aromatic polyblend having a dispersed rubber phase as particles with a bimodal partic.
  5. Tokas Edward F. (Kirkwood MO), Process for polymerizing terpolymer polyblends having low surface gloss.
  6. Burk Raymond D. (North Wilbraham MA), Process for the continuous mass polymerization of polyblends having a bimodal rubber particle size.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Kulich Donald M. (Marietta OH), Agglomeration of latices by organic acid-anhydride mixtures.
  2. Jones, Frank N.; Joshi, Ravi G.; Provder, Theodore, Conventional latex / nanolatex blends.
  3. Peters, Matthew W.; Taylor, Joshua D.; Henton, David E.; Manzer, Leo E.; Gruber, Patrick R.; Griffith, Josefa M.; Obaidi, Yassin Al, Integrated methods of preparing renewable chemicals.
  4. Marchese, Enrico; Visca, Mario; Lenti, Daria, Mixtures of fluoropolymer dispersions.
  5. Paula J. MacLeod CA; Peter G. Odell CA; Francisco E. Torres CA; Michael K. Georges CA, Polymerization process for the preparation of a resin.
  6. Barkev Keoshkerian CA; Paula J. MacLeod CA; Peter G. Odell CA; Michael K. Georges CA, Polymerization processes.
  7. Paula J. MacLeod CA; Peter G. Odell CA; Francisco E. Torres CA; Michael K. Georges CA, Polymerization processes.
  8. MacLeod Paula J.,CAX ; Odell Peter G.,CAX ; Torres Francisco E.,CAX ; Georges Michael K.,CAX, Polymerization processes using oligomeric compound, monomer and surfactant.
  9. Kapeliouchko, Valery; Marchese, Enrico, Process for the preparation of aqueous dispersions of fluoropolymers.
  10. Jadhav Jalandar Y., Process to produce disproportionated rosin based emulsifier for emulsion polymerization.
  11. Gruber, Patrick R.; Peters, Matthew W.; Griffith, Josefa M.; Al Obaidi, Yassin; Manzer, Leo E.; Taylor, Joshua D.; Henton, David E., Renewable compositions.
  12. Gruber, Patrick R.; Peters, Matthew W.; Griffith, Josefa M.; Obaidi, Yassin Al; Manzer, Leo E.; Taylor, Joshua D.; Henton, David E., Renewable compositions.
  13. Gruber, Patrick R.; Peters, Matthew W.; Griffith, Josefa M.; Obaidi, Yassin Al; Manzer, Leo E.; Taylor, Joshua D.; Henton, David E., Renewable compositions.
  14. Peters, Matthew W.; Taylor, Joshua D., Renewable jet fuel blendstock from isobutanol.
  15. Peters, Matthew W.; Taylor, Joshua D., Renewable jet fuel blendstock from isobutanol.
  16. Taylor, Thomas Jackson; Taylor, Joshua D.; Peters, Matthew W.; Henton, David E., Variations on prins-like chemistry to produce 2,5-dimethylhexadiene from isobutanol.
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