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[미국특허] Air bearing and antifriction bearing assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16C-021/00
  • F16C-035/07
출원번호 US-0309934 (1981-10-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Klomp Edward D. (Mount Clemens MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Motors Corporation (Detroit MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 0


A hybrid bearing assembly includes a shaft rotatably supportable within a shaft housing by a hydrodynamic foil bearing acting in parallel with an antifriction bearing. The shaft is supported solely by the antifriction bearing at zero and low shaft speeds, and is supported solely by the foil bearing


A hydrodynamic foil bearing and anti-friction bearing assembly, comprising, a shaft housing member having an axial bore, a rotatable shaft member receivable within the axial bore with a predetermined maximum static eccentricity between the axis of the axial bore and the axis of the shaft member when

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Rikuro Obara JP, Bearing structure for flat motor.
  2. Barnaby Anthony B. (Leicestershire GBX), Bearing structures.
  3. Iwabuchi Osamu (Amagasaki JPX) Hama Hiroyuki (Amagasaki JPX), Bus bar connector.
  4. Obara Rikuro,JPX, Composite bearing structure.
  5. Lucas, Evan; Longacre, Christian; Ashton, Zachary; Hastings, Sean; Yellapragada, Srikar, Compound air and mechanical bearing system and method.
  6. Sri-Jayantha Muthuthamby ; Sharma Arun ; Kumar Suresh ; Khanna Vijayeshwar, Direct access storage device having compound actuator bearing system.
  7. Madge, James Henry; Minadeo, Adam Daniel; Patel, Priyangu Chunilal, Gear system for wind turbine.
  8. Kari, Alexander; Forstner, Christian, Gear train for a wind turbine.
  9. Kennedy, Michael David; Rahman, Mohamed Mizanur; Leuthold, Hans, Hybrid spindle bearing.
  10. Leuthold, Hans; Kennedy, Michael D.; Grantz, Alan Lyndon; Immisch, Susan; Parsoneault, Norbert Steve; Rahman, Mohamed Mizanur, Hybrid spindle bearing.
  11. Segerstrm Lars H. (Skrholmen SEX), Hydraulic screw machine.
  12. Chitavat Anwar (P.O. Box 107 Northport NY 11768), Linear motor with air-lift bearing unloading.
  13. Tanaka Katsuhiko (Yamato JPX), Motor unit.
  14. Sutton Robert F. (Newbury Park CA) Beatty Robert F. (West Hills CA), Rotor transient positioning assembly.
  15. Kramer James H. (Akron OH) Orndorff ; Jr. Roy L. (Kent OH), Water lubricated bearing.
  16. Steiner Helmut (Wiehl DEX), Wheel-mounting arrangement with emergency bearing surface.

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