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Spark advance control mechanism for dual fuel engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02P-005/08
  • F02P-005/10
출원번호 US-0314227 (1981-10-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lassanske George G. (Oconomowoc WI) Poehlman Arthur G. (West Bend WI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Outboard Marine Corporation (Waukegan IL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 8


Disclosed herein is a spark advance control mechanism for an engine capable of being selectively operated on gaseous fuel and on liquid fuel.


A spark advance control mechanism for an engine capable of being selectively operated on a first fuel and on a second fuel, said mechanism comprising an air induction passage having therein a movable throttle plate and communicating with the engine, a member electrically connected to the engine for

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Cook ; Earl Charles, Automobile engine economizer.
  2. Schellmann Klaus (Hemmingen DEX) Schulze Heinz (Stuttgart DEX), Device for adjusting the ignition time in internal combustion engines.
  3. Wakita Nobuaki (Susono JPX) Kanai Hiroshi (Susono JPX), Idle controller for an internal combustion engine.
  4. Lace Melvin Arthur (Prospect Heights IL), Ignition system for a multifueled engine.
  5. Kawakami ; Kazuhiko, Ignition timing control device of the negative pressure actuation type.
  6. McLean Kerry L. (20540 Westhampton Southfield MI 48075), Internal combustion engine dual fuel system.
  7. Batchelor William H. (Lantana FL) Batchelor Douglas R. (Buchanan MI), Liquefied propane carburetor modification system.
  8. Sawada Daisaku (Susono JPX) Shigematsu Takashi (Susono JPX) Takeda Yuji (Susono JPX), Spark timing control device for use in internal combustion engines.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Sun Xiaobo ; Hussein Syed, Air-fuel control for alternative engine fuels.
  2. Busato Murray F.,CAX, Control accuracy of a pulse-operated electromechanical device.
  3. Chemnitzer Eberhard (Lehrensteinsfeld DEX), Device for adapting the air/fuel metering system and the ignition system of an internal combustion engine to enable the.
  4. Gruden Dusan (Ditzingen DEX), Internal combustion engine of the otto-type of construction with an ignition distributor and with an electronic ignition.
  5. House William J. (Sterling Heights MI) Kline Loren H. (Oregon OH) McAuliffe ; Jr. Lawrence (Southfield MI), Purge valve for on board fuel vapor recovery systems.
  6. Seppen Jan J. (Huizen NLX) van der Weide Jouke (Rijswijk NLX), System and device for exhaust gas recirculation in combustion machine.
  7. Casacci Carlo (Bologna ITX), System for supplying different fuels to otto engines with electronic fuel-injection.
  8. Szloboda David T. (10640 Skagit Drive Richmond ; British Columbia CAX V7E 2A2), Vacuum operated apparatus for controlling the ignition timing of an engine.
  9. Szloboda Samuel (10640 Skagit Dr. Richmond ; British Columbia CAX V7E 2A2), Vacuum operated apparatus for controlling the ignition timing of an engine.
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