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다음과 같은 기능을 한번의 로그인으로 사용 할 수 있습니다.
NTIS 바로가기국가/구분 | United States(US) Patent 등록 |
국제특허분류(IPC7판) |
출원번호 | US-0241351 (1981-03-06) |
발명자 / 주소 |
출원인 / 주소 |
인용정보 | 피인용 횟수 : 14 인용 특허 : 5 |
A control apparatus for controlling the generators of a multiple steam generator or multiple hot water generator installation. The control apparatus includes burner command apparatus which limits each of the generators to one of at least two different maximum firing rate levels. The command apparatu
A control apparatus for controlling the generators of a multiple steam generator or a multiple hot water generator installation, said control apparatus comprising: modulating control means for controlling the firing rate of each of said generators in response to the actual measured steam or hot wate
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