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[미국특허] Control apparatus for use in multiple steam generator or multiple hot water generator installations 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G05B-015/02
  • F01D-017/02
출원번호 US-0241351 (1981-03-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bradt Willy A. (Boom BEX) Wilssens Norbert J. F. (Kruibeke BEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Clayton Manufacturing Company (CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 5


A control apparatus for controlling the generators of a multiple steam generator or multiple hot water generator installation. The control apparatus includes burner command apparatus which limits each of the generators to one of at least two different maximum firing rate levels. The command apparatu


A control apparatus for controlling the generators of a multiple steam generator or a multiple hot water generator installation, said control apparatus comprising: modulating control means for controlling the firing rate of each of said generators in response to the actual measured steam or hot wate

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hodgson Stanley Cyril (London EN), Automatic control system.
  2. Kiscaden Roy W. (Springfield PA) Martz Lyle F. (Verona PA) Uram Robert (East Pittsburgh PA), Combined cycle electric power plant with coordinated plural feedback turbine control.
  3. Slater Billy Ray (Richardson TX), Combustion optimizer.
  4. Adler ; Louis S. ; Swanson ; S. Keith, Method of optimizing the performance of a multi-unit power.
  5. Stern Louis P. (Wadsworth OH) Johnson Steven J. (McCandless Township ; Allegheny County PA), System for intelligently selecting the mode of control of a power plant.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bartels James I. (Hudson WI), Automatic firing rate control mode means for a boiler.
  2. Janvier, Benoît, Control system for allocating steam flow through elements.
  3. Horn Brian C. (Phoenix AZ), Discontinuous optimization procedure modelling the run-idle status of plural process components.
  4. Kaya Azmi (Akron OH) Keyes ; IV Marion A. (Chagrin Falls OH), Distributed system for optimizing the performance of a plurality of multi-stage steam turbines using function blocks.
  5. Putman Richard E. (Penn Hills Twp. ; Allegheny Cty. PA) Allen Thomas (Glenshaw PA), Economical dispatching arrangement for a boiler system having a cogenerative capability.
  6. Takita Atsushi (Mito JPX) Sugano Akira (Katsuta JPX) Kumazaki Masayuki (Katsuta JPX), Feed-forward type automatic control system.
  7. Barto Ronald J. (West Hartford CT) Gabrielli Frank (So. Windsor CT) Mohn Nancy C. (Windsor CT), Intelligent chemistry management system.
  8. Zane C. Eaton ; Jonathan D. Churchill, Method and apparatus for configuring a genset controller for operation with particular gensets.
  9. Bartels James I. (Hudson WI) Seidel Michael J. (Wauwatosa WI) Schimbke Paul A. (Shorewood WI), Method and apparatus for controlling firing rate in a heating system.
  10. Eaton, Zane C.; Kaura, Vikram; Van Maaren, Richard D.; Dorn, Douglas W., Method and apparatus for preventing excessive heat generation in a alternator of a generator set.
  11. Eaton, Zane C.; Lindgren, Michael S.; Albsmeier, Eric, Method and apparatus for preventing excessive reaction to a load disturbance by a generator set.
  12. Dorn, Douglas W., Method and apparatus for regulating the excitation of an alternator of a genset.
  13. Schultz Mark H. (Shoreview MN) Koenig David J. (Wyoming MN), Microprocessor based integrated generator set controller apparatus and method.
  14. Barrett Robert D. (10261 Canterbury St. Westchester IL 60154), Pulsing control for an inertial drive system for a multi-motor binary array vehicle.

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