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[미국특허] Pulverized coal combustion method and apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F23D-001/00
출원번호 US-0213938 (1980-12-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schmalfeld Jorg (Mohnweg 7 Heiligenhaus DEX) Bruckner Werner (Pfalzstr. 17a Dusseldorf DEX) Jacobs Jorn (Waldsaum 59 Essen DEX) Greulich H. S. (Bremensfeld 105 Oberausen DEX) Schlutter A. (Rheinstr.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 3


A burner combines air cooling and pulverized coal combustion with air for the combustion of low inflammability coals. A ceramic lining protects the cooled steel mantel of the burner while supplying heat for sustained combustion process. Air preheated in the cooling process is used to preheat the coa


A method of controlling coal combustion of finely ground coal, including anthracite coal and semi-bituminous coal with low inflammability in a flame chamber, comprising: injecting a mixture of pulverized coal with primary air at one end of said flame chamber; burning the coal below the slag melting

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schoppe Fritz (Max-Ruttgers-Strasse 24 8026 Ebenhausen ; Isartal DT), Combustion of pulverized coal.
  2. Breen Bernard P. (Laguna Beach CA) Bell Arlen W. (Laguna Beach CA), Low nox coal burner.
  3. Tenner Arthur R. (Parsippany NJ), Method and apparatus for reducing NOx from furnaces.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bairong, Li, Apparatus and system for manufacturing quality coal products.
  2. Holger Wulfert DE; Andre Michael Baetz DE; Klaus Goerner DE; Friedrich Schmaus DE, Apparatus for the combustion of vanadium-containing fuels.
  3. Bowen Peter,CAXITX L2R 6P9, Burner nozzle for pulverized coal.
  4. Olauson Lars G. (Angered SEX), Firing of lime sludge reburning kilns with a solid fuel.
  5. Burge Harland L. (Garden Grove CA) Hardgrove John A. (Rolling Hills Estates CA), Method and apparatus for in-flight combustion of carbonaceous fuels.
  6. Wulfert Holger,DEX ; Baetz Andre Michael,DEX ; Goerner Klaus,DEX ; Schmaus Friedrich,DEX, Method for the combustion of vanadium-containing fuels.
  7. Sugiura Saburo (Nagoya JPX) Hayashi Kiyohide (Nagoya JPX) Kanada Kenji (Chita JPX) Demukai Noboru (Kaizu JPX) Okamoto Tetsuo (Chita JPX), Powdered coal burner.
  8. Brunnmair Erwin,ATX ; Moosmann Gerhard,ATX, Process and device for incineration of particulate solids.
  9. Erwin Brunnmair AT; Gerhard Moosmann AT, Process and device for incineration of particulate solids.
  10. Liu Chih-Hsiung F. (Houston TX), Process for maintaining heat protective layers of solidified synthetic slag within a slagging coal gasifier.
  11. Sheppard Douglas B. (Torrance CA) Solbes Albert (Rancho Palos Verdes CA) Roy Gabriel D. (Torrance CA), Slagging combustor with externally-hot fuel injector.

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