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[미국특허] Charge control circuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-010/46
출원번호 US-0284345 (1981-07-17)
우선권정보 JP-0117885 (1980-08-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tabata Junichi (Tokyo JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kabushiki Kaisha Daini Seikosha (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 6


A charge control circuit has an excess charge detecting circuit for preventing the excess charge of a secondary battery responsive to the voltage of the secondary battery, and a switching circuit responsive to the output of the excess charge detecting circuit. The switching circuit and the excess ch


A charge control circuit comprising: an excess charge detecting circuit and a charge changeover circuit of a secondary battery operated by an electromotive force of a power device, said excess charge detecting circuit being connected between a first line connected to both a positive terminal of said

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Takeda Shuji (Suwa JA) Otake Tsutomu (Suwa JA), Battery charging circuit.
  2. Asakawa Tatsushi (Suwa JPX), Charge control circuit.
  3. Fukuda Hiroaki (Nara JPX) Sasaki Takehiko (Yamatokoriyama JPX) Mori Hiroshi (Tenri JPX), Charger using one or more solar batteries.
  4. Tabata Junichi (Tokyo JPX), Charging control circuit for electronic timepiece.
  5. Chihara Hiroyuki (Suwa JA), Electronic timepiece battery-potential detecting circuit.
  6. Thomas James S. (Manor TX), Voltage detector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hanson Eric J. ; Kooyer Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  2. Hanson, Eric J.; Kooyer, Richard L., Apparatus and method for treating a cathode material provided on a thin-film substrate.
  3. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Daigle Dominik,CAX, Bypass apparatus and method for series connected energy storage devices.
  4. Shoji Hideyuki (Tokyo JPX) Usui Kazufumi (Tokyo JPX), Electronic equipment with solar cell.
  5. Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Hagen Ronald A. ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Morin Andre,CAX ; Ross Guy,CAX, Equalizer system and method for series connected energy storing devices.
  6. Hagen Ronald A. ; Chen Kenneth W. ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX, Fault-tolerant battery system employing intra-battery network architecture.
  7. Hagen Ronald A. ; Comte Christophe,CAX ; Knudson Orlin B. ; Rosenthal Brian ; Rouillard Jean,CAX, In-situ fault detection apparatus and method for an encased energy storing device.
  8. Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Shiota Toshimi,CAX ; , In-situ short circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  9. Gauthier, Michel; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Rouillard, Jean; Rouillard, Roger; Shiota, Toshimi; Trice, Jennifer L., In-situ short-circuit protection system and method for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  10. Ishii, Takafumi; Yoshidomi, Masanobu, Insulation resistance measurement device and insulation resistance measurement method.
  11. Rouillard, Roger; Domroese, Michael K.; Hoffman, Joseph A.; Lindeman, David D.; Noel, Joseph-Robert-Gaetan; Radewald, Vern E.; Ranger, Michel; Sudano, Anthony; Trice, Jennifer L.; Turgeon, Thomas A., Method for transferring thermal energy and electrical current in thin-film electrochemical cells.
  12. Walter Paul Sjursen ; Gary John Hollingsworth ; Marvin Allan Leedom ; Derek Dwayne Mahoney, Power source for a hearing aid.
  13. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Sudano Anthony,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L. ; Tur, Rechargeable thin-film electrochemical generator.
  14. Takeda Keigo (Shiojiri JPX), Self-charging electronic timepiece.
  15. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, André; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeo, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  16. Rouillard, Jean; Comte, Christophe; Daigle, Dominik; Hagen, Ronald A.; Knudson, Orlin B.; Morin, Andre; Ranger, Michel; Ross, Guy; Rouillard, Roger; St-Germain, Philippe; Sudano, Anthony; Turgeon, Th, Solid-state energy storage module employing integrated interconnect board.
  17. Ando Masao ; Frank Andrew A., Systems and methods for managing energy of electric power supply systems.
  18. Hoffman Joseph A. ; Domroese Michael K. ; Lindeman David D. ; Radewald Vern E. ; Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Trice Jennifer L., Thermal conductor for high-energy electrochemical cells.
  19. Rouillard Roger,CAX ; Domroese Michael K. ; Gauthier Michel,CAX ; Hoffman Joseph A. ; Lindeman David D. ; Noel Joseph-Robert-Gaetan,CAX ; Radewald Vern E. ; Ranger Michel,CAX ; Rouillard Jean,CAX ; S, Thermal management system and method for a solid-state energy storing device.
  20. Perna Fred P. (1417 W. Park Anaconda MT 59711) Peterson Stuart R. (Minnetonka MN), Writing instrument for electronic counting and gravity switch reset.

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