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Method of extruding parts with captured fixture 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-043/00
출원번호 US-0307696 (1981-10-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ware
  • Jr. James K. (Gainesville FL) Wolcott Edward O. (Gainesville FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Gainesville FL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 2


An improved apparatus and a method are disclosed for extruding an improved type of small part of the type having a body portion (12) of extrudable material and a fixture (18, 20; 54, 56) of harder material captured at the surface of the body. A female die element (22, 24) is provided with a bore (26


A method of extruding a lead or lead alloy battery terminal of essentially pore-free material in which is captured a fixture comprised of a material harder than said lead or lead alloy, said fixture extending away from said battery terminal, said battery terminal having an essentially cylindrical bo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Schurmann Heinz P. (421 Abington Ave. Mississauga CAX L5A 1L6), Cold flow forming.
  2. Braun Frederick W. (Bloomfield Hills MI), Method of cold forming.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

  1. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  2. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E., Battery part.
  3. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  4. Ratte, Robert W.; Peterson, Norman E.; Cain, Tracy L., Battery parts and associated systems and methods.
  5. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  6. Cain, Tracy L.; Garin, Michael, Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  7. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  8. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  9. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  10. Garin, Michael A.; Gifford, Kurt T., Battery parts having retaining and sealing features and associated methods of manufacture and use.
  11. Bachle Ewald,DEX, Castellated flange nut.
  12. Mikkonen, Esa, Coaxial resonator structure and filter.
  13. Walker Billy R. (Daleville IN) Emmons George B. (Chesterfield IN) Dean Robert E. (Yorktown IN), Cold forming dies and cold forming process.
  14. How, Leong Weng; Schmidt, Ryan John; Stromberg, Michael John; Brink, Damon Douglas, Disk separator plates and method of making disk separator plates for hard disk drives.
  15. Mikkonen, Esa, Method for attaching resonator part.
  16. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  17. Ratte, Robert W., Multiple casting apparatus and method.
  18. How, Leong Weng; Schmidt, Ryan John; Stromberg, Michael John; Brink, Damon Douglas, Nesting disk separator plates for use in hard disk drives.
  19. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
  20. Cain, Tracy L., Systems and methods for manufacturing battery parts.
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