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[미국특허] Solar energy control system and method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F24J-003/02
출원번호 US-0247661 (1981-03-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Webb
  • Jr. William (272 A S. Monaco Pkwy. Denver CO 80224)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 4


An improved solar energy control system and method are disclosed that enables efficient utiliziation of heat produced from solar energy in heating air and/or water. The system and method sense the availability of heat along with the need for such heat at monitored areas and, responsive thereto, sele


A solar energy control system, comprising: first means adapted to provide an indication of availability of heat derived from a solar collector; second means adapted to provide separate indications of heat needs at each of a plurality of defined areas, said defined areas including a room and a water

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Bloomfield Edward J. (The Studio ; Convent La. South Woodchester ; Stroud ; Gloucestershire GB2), Control units for heating systems.
  2. Hayes Thomas Edward (Goshen IN), Method and apparatus for storing a medium heated by solar energy.
  3. Currie James R. (Huntsville AL), Solar energy control system.
  4. Gates Timothy P. (Cedar Springs MI), Solar heat system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. DeMonte, Todd R.; Ebert, Sean M.; Steffes, Michael J., Hydronic heating system and method for pest control.
  2. Rajiv Bhatnagar IN, Multipoint digital temperature controller.
  3. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  4. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  5. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  6. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  7. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  8. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  9. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system and method for pest control.
  10. O'Brien, Timothy S.; Camenga, Eric P., Portable heating system for pest control.
  11. Mueller Charles V. (Iowa City IA) Bisplinghoff Ross L. (Norfolk MA) Ferguson Christopher (Framingham MA), Window fan with controller.
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