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[미국특허] Blade root seal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-005/30
출원번호 US-0349747 (1982-02-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Buxe Paul M. (Lake Park FL) Marshall James F. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Smith
  • Jr. Paul A. (Palm Beach Gardens FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 31  인용 특허 : 1


The neck portion of a rotor blade includes an annular, axially projecting segment integral with the neck and having side edges abutting corresponding segments of adjacent blades to form a segmented annular ring which cooperates with static structure to define an interstage annular seal. Each blade a


A rotor assembly and adjacent static structure for a gas turbine engine comprising: a disk having a plurality of axially extending blade receiving slots around its periphery; and a plurality of rotor blades each including a platform, an airfoil, and a root having a base portion and a neck portion, s

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Pask George (Stanton-by-Bridge GB2), Sealing means for bladed rotor for a gas turbine engine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (31)

  1. Diakunchak, Ihor S., Airfoil seal system for gas turbine engine.
  2. Cheng,Yinguo; Fang,Biao; McGovern,Tara Easter; Wolfe,Christopher Edward, Angel wing abradable seal and sealing method.
  3. Werner, Andre, Apparatus and method for controlling a blade tip clearance for a compressor.
  4. Decardenas, Rafael A., Blade assembly in a combustion turbo-machine providing reduced concentration of mechanical stress and a seal between adjacent assemblies.
  5. Danescu, Radu Ioan; Ward, John D., Compliant seal for rotor slot.
  6. Hess, Thomas; Feldmann, Manfred, Component system of a turbo engine.
  7. Kunz Cleon V. (West Hartford CT) Jones Dennis H. (Somers CT), Compressor stator assembly having a composite inner diameter shroud.
  8. Noble, Patrick Daniel, Coupled blade platforms and methods of sealing.
  9. Walters Cameron Todd,CAX ; Valentini Valerio,CAX, Deflector for controlling entry of cooling air leakage into the gaspath of a gas turbine engine.
  10. Joseph Simonetti ; Bruce Wilson, Fan blade compliant layer and seal.
  11. Kasprow Robert F. ; Kurz Phyllis L. ; LeShane Jeffrey S., Fan blade interplatform seal.
  12. Kasprow Robert F. ; Kurz Phyllis L. ; LeShane Jeffrey S., Fan blade interplatform seal.
  13. Bobo Melvin (Cincinnati OH), Fan blade platform seal.
  14. Tatton, Royce, Fan blade platform seal with leading edge winglet.
  15. Keller, Douglas A., Flexible, high-temperature ceramic seal element.
  16. Arness, Brian P.; Ward, John D., Gas assisted turbine seal.
  17. Pizzi Antonio,CAX, Gas turbine engine shroud seals.
  18. Pizzi Antonio,CAX, Gas turbine engine shroud seals.
  19. Pizzi Antonio,CAX ; Crone James Christopher,CAX, Gas turbine engine shroud seals.
  20. Arness, Brian P.; McGovern, Tara Easter; Wardell, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Labyrinth seal for turbine dovetail.
  21. Boyington, Kimberly Pash, Ladder seal system for gas turbine engines.
  22. Joslin, Frederick R., Leak resistant vane cluster.
  23. Ward, John D.; Kottilingam, Srikanth; Tragesser, Daniel; Rauch, Steven, Method and apparatus for creating seal slots for turbine components.
  24. Hill Edward C. (Tequesta FL), Rotor blade interplatform seal.
  25. Kreis,Erhard; Oehl,Markus; Rathmann,Ulrich, Seal arrangement for reducing the seal gaps within a rotary flow machine.
  26. Arness, Brian P.; Veltre, Louis; Harter, Ariel Kelsey Coleman; Wardell, John D., Sealing mechanism with pivot plate and rope seal.
  27. Ward, John D.; Samudrala, Omprakash, Spring seal for turbine dovetail.
  28. Lyders, David R, Stator assembly with pad interface for a gas turbine engine.
  29. Zagar Thomas W. ; Schiavo Anthony L., Turbine blade platform seal.
  30. Dietrich Douglas J. ; Stoner Alan W. ; Wiebe David J., Turbine engine rotor blade platform sealing and vibration damping device.
  31. Brown Wesley D. (Jupiter FL) Hill Edward C. (Tequesta FL) Vercellone Peter T. (Lake Worth FL), Turbine rotor retention system.
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