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[미국특허] Engine mounting for suspending engine relative to vehicle structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16F-009/04
출원번호 US-0261374 (1981-05-07)
우선권정보 JP-0061383 (1980-05-09); JP-0064318 (1980-05-15); JP-0064319 (1980-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Takei Hirofumi (Yokosuka JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nissan Motor Company, Limited (Yokohama JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 18  인용 특허 : 0


An engine mounting for suspending an engine relative to a vehicle structure. The engine mounting comprises a first armature for connection to the engine and a second armature for connection to the vehicle structure and a bellows interposed between the first and second armature to define therewith a


In a vehicle, an engine; a vehicle structure; a first armature connected to the engine for movement therewith; a second armature connected to said vehicle structure for movement therewith; an elastic bellows having one end securely connected to said first armature and an opposite end securely connec

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ruhle Philip G. (Los Gatos CA), Anti-rotation mass support system particularly for missile support.
  2. Puzio Daniel (Boonton NJ) Georges William H. (Saginaw MI) Bevilacqua Gary L. (York PA), Clutch.
  3. Cwycyshyn Walter (Harsens Island MI) Kudwa Frank J. (Warren MI), Clutch for robot or like.
  4. Miller, Lane R.; Swanson, Douglas A.; Alteri, Russell E.; Ivers, Douglas E.; Hildebrand, Stephen F.; Jensen, William S.; Miller, Scott K.; Janowski, Michael D.; Walch, Michael F., Controlled equilibrium device with displacement dependent spring rates and integral damping.
  5. Stanner, Donald; Hughes, Walton, Cut out device.
  6. Schoch Daniel A., Dual mount control system.
  7. Allaire Pierre,FRX, Elastic support for a vibrating mass.
  8. McGuire Dennis P., Fluid and elastomer apparatus.
  9. Stephens Donald L. (LaConner WA), Frame beaming reduction assembly.
  10. Hein Richard D. ; Kelly Walter J., Methods of formation and installation of prepackaged fluid-damping article for elastomeric mount.
  11. Beer Wilhelm (Ruselsheim DEX), Motor vehicle engine mounting arrangement.
  12. Weber Otto (Wolfsburg DEX) Thesenvitz Manfred (Braunschweig DEX) Keck Volkmar (Wolfsburg DEX) Grohnert Siegfried (Cremlingen DEX), Mount with insulation for solid-conducted sound, in particular for an internal combustion engine.
  13. Heron Arnold J.,CAX, Multi-stage compression spring.
  14. Eberhard Gnter (Gehrden DEX) Heitzig Jrgen (Hanover DEX), Resilient mounting.
  15. Woo, Jaehak; Lee, Changil, Steering column dynamic damper.
  16. Basore, William T., Support for hi-fi turntable base.
  17. Yi-Ten Li TW, Vibration reducing device for bicycles.
  18. Fukushima Naoto (Kamakura JPX), Vibration-proofing device.

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