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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for sensing clogged nozzle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01B-013/00
출원번호 US-0339730 (1982-01-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rood Alvin A. (Oberlin OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nordson Corporation (Amherst OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 2


A method and apparatus for sensing and signaling a clogged nozzle condition in a spray gun of the type which includes a valve located adjacent the nozzle. The gun includes a restrictor located in the liquid flow path upstream of the valve and a pressure transducer located between the restrictor and


The method of sensing partial clogging of a nozzle of a liquid dispensing gun, which gun contains a valve upstream of the nozzle, which method comprises locating a flow restriction in the liquid flow stream upstream of the gun valve, and measuring pressure changes in the flow stream between the flow

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hoof ; Robert Grant, High energy loss disk stack testing apparatus.
  2. Isley ; Walter F., Solid impurity detector.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Merkel Stephen L. (Bay Village OH), Apparatus and method for dispensing fluid materials using position-dependent velocity feedback.
  2. Price Richard P. (Parma Heights OH), Apparatus for dispensing fluid materials.
  3. Frederick Hubert Van Essen AU, Check valve arrangement for a diagnostic test point.
  4. Khoury, James M.; Nagy, Charles; Nemethy, Stephen G.; Ignatius, Mark J., Control system for can coating.
  5. Khoury, James M.; Nagy, Charles; Nemethy, Stephen G.; Ignatius, Mark J., Control system for can coating.
  6. Khoury, James M.; Nagy, Charles; Nemethy, Stephen G.; Ignatius, Mark J., Control system for can coating.
  7. Ni, Bingcheng, Device and method for detecting blockages in an agricultural sprayer.
  8. Ni, Bingcheng, Device and method for detecting blockages in an agricultural sprayer.
  9. Ni, Bingcheng, Device and method for detecting blockages in an agricultural sprayer.
  10. Donner, Joseph E.; Gorman, Michael; Giusti, Christopher L.; Quinones, Horatio; Ratledge, Thomas L.; Suhinin, Yuriy, Dispenser and method of dispensing and controlling with a flow meter.
  11. Gorman, Michael; Suhinin, Yuriy; Quinones, Horatio, Dispenser and method of dispensing and controlling with a flow meter.
  12. des Jardins, Stephen R.; Lewis, Alan R.; Suhinin, Yuriy, Dispenser and method of dispensing and controlling with a flow meter.
  13. des Jardins, Stephen R.; Lewis, Alan R.; Suhinin, Yuriy, Dispenser and method of dispensing and controlling with a flow meter.
  14. Merkel Stephen L. (Bay Village OH), Dispenser malfunction detector.
  15. Inagaki, Yohsuke, Electro-pneumatic positioner and electro-pneumatic converting device.
  16. Donner, Joseph E.; Gorman, Michael; Giusti, Christopher L.; Lewis, Alan R.; Quinones, Horatio; Ratledge, Thomas L.; Suhinin, Yuriy, Flow metering for dispense monitoring and control.
  17. Shizhong Duan CA; Geoffrey Arthur Jones CA, Flow monitor for rewet showers.
  18. Roos, John P.; Loparo, Thomas A.; Palmer, William L.; Waryu, Joseph C.; Stewart, Stephen P.; Nagy, Charles F.; Borders, Lenzie L.; Dillon, John C., Hot melt material application system with high temperature pressure monitoring and heated recirculating manifolds.
  19. Severtson Lyndon W. (R.R. 2 ; Box 120 Hills MN 56138), Liquid flow detector system.
  20. Spinks Arthur L. (Houston TX) Woodson Jerry P. (Houston TX), Liquid sand blast nozzle and method of using same.
  21. Porter George O. (Amherst OH) Hoover Scott (Elyria OH) Popesco Mihail (Fairview Park OH), Method and apparatus for dispensing high viscosity fluid materials.
  22. Mulder, Douglas C.; O'Ryan, David E., Method and apparatus for powder coating a moving web.
  23. Liyanage A. Nimal (Ibaraki JPX) Ozawa Eiichi (Chiba JPX) Yokogi Kazuo (Tokyo JPX) Friedt Jean-Marie (Tokyo JPX), Method and system for assessing the operating condition of a pressure regulator in a corrosive gas distribution system.
  24. Price Richard P. (Parma Heights OH), Method for dispensing fluid materials.
  25. Irgens Christopher R., Method of controlling the magnetic gap length and the initial stroke length of a pressure surge fuel pump.
  26. Irgens Christopher R. (Elm Grove WI), Method of controlling the magnetic gap length and the initial stroke length of a pressure surge fuel pump.
  27. Turner James J. (Amherst OH) McMillan Guy H. (Elyria OH) Pintelon Joseph A. E. (Lennik OH BEX) Waryu Joseph C. (Amherst OH) Kennon James L. (Amherst OH) Muller Peter E. (Aesch CHX), Modular can coating apparatus.
  28. Buckler Jeffrey M., Monitor for fluid dispensing system.
  29. Merkel Stephen L. (Bay Village OH), Pressure pulse masking circuit for a pressure monitor in a dispensing system.
  30. Ackerley Robert (Warwickshire GBX) Raybould Anthony David (Coventry GBX), Pressure reduction system testing.
  31. Hamilton Richard J., Solenoid operated heated liquid spray device.
  32. Konieczynski Ronald D. (North Royalton OH), Spraying apparatus with flow alarm.
  33. Merkel Stephen L. (Bay Village OH), System for monitoring material dispensed onto a substrate.
  34. Hong, Seung Min; Kang, Il, Valve accelerating type dispensing pump.
  35. Hong, Seung Min; Kang, Il, Valve accelerating type dispensing pump.
  36. Hong, Seung Min; Kang, IL, Valve impact type dispensing pump.
  37. Hong, Seung Min; Kang, Il, Valve impact type dispensing pump.

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