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[미국특허] Process for manufacturing a flywheel magneto 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02K-015/02
출원번호 US-0283463 (1981-07-15)
우선권정보 IT-0023614 (1980-07-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Benedetti Carlo (Pisa ITX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Piaggio & C. S.p.A. (Genoa ITX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 1


A method is disclosed for manufacturing a flywheel magneto of the radial magnetic flux type for motor bicycles, motor scooters and the like, which comprises the steps of forming a sub-assembly comprised of a ring, the magnets, the pole shoes by scotching said ring on a plurality of wedges placed aro


A method of manufacturing a flywheel magneto of the radial flux type comprising forming a preassembled unit having an outer annular ring of a ferromagnetic material, a predetermined number of magnets positioned on the inner surface of the ring and a like number of pole pieces positioned on the inner

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Benezech Jacques (Le Vesinet FRX), Method of assembling a magneto rotor assembly.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Rose ; Sr. Robert Ervin, Flywheel-rotor apparatus.
  2. Walker,James M., Machined rotor assembly and method of making same.
  3. Sleder ; Sr. Richard L. ; Gonring Steven J. ; Peterson Kenneth E., Magnet ring assembly for an electrical generator.
  4. Pulnikov, Aleksandr, Method for mounting a bush around a part of a shaft by means of a tight fitting.
  5. Pulnikov, Aleksandr, Method for mounting a bush around a part of a shaft by means of a tight fitting.
  6. Marioni, Elio, Method for realising a permanent-magnet rotor for a synchronous motor.
  7. Gunsallus Clifford ; Serdar ; Jr. Luka ; Colello Gary M. ; Partridge Mary Ann, Method of forming a rim construction for a rotor.
  8. Uemura,Fumito; Baba,Shinji; Umezaki,Tomokazu, Method of manufacturing a magneto-generator.
  9. Mark Noble ; Charles T. Rogan ; Douglas A. Trudeau, Molded flywheel magnet cage.
  10. Noble, Mark; Rogan, Charles T.; Trudeau, Douglas A., Molded flywheel magnet cage.
  11. Marioni, Elio, Permanent-magnet rotor for a synchronous motor particularly for a washing machine pump for industrial and domestic use and the like.
  12. Shimizu Yuzuru (Himeji JPX), Rotor of magnetic generator.
  13. Sone, Kazuya; Takagi, Kazuyoshi, Rotor of magneto generator for internal combustion engine.
  14. Tatukawa Juniti (Okazaki JPX) Kirihara Shozo (Kariya JPX), Rotor structure of magneto generator.

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