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[미국특허] Sound absorbing structure for a gas turbine engine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64D-033/02
출원번호 US-0374469 (1982-05-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mathews Douglas C. (Marlborough CT) Peracchio Aldo A. (South Windsor CT)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 9


A sound absorbing structure 38, 52 for a gas turbine engine 10 is disclosed. The sound absorbing structure 52 includes a wall element 54 and a casing 34 of the engine or nacelle 12. The casing is spaced from the wall element leaving a cavity 62 therebetween which is compartmentalized by partitions 6


A stator structure for attenuating the noise of an axial flow gas turbine engine which extends circumferentially about an axis of symmetry of the engine and bounds an annular flow path for working medium gases, comprising: a casing element for confining the working medium gases to the working medium

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Rose Philip M. (Chula Vista CA), Bulk acoustic absorber panels for use in high speed gas flow environments.
  2. Rose Philip M. (Chula Vista CA) Riel Frank J. (San Diego CA), Double layer attenuation panel with two layers of linear type material.
  3. Riel Frank J. (San Diego CA), Method of foaming perforate sheet material from wire mesh.
  4. Beggs Stanley L. (Chula Vista CA) Riel Frank J. (San Diego CA) Lawson Dale W. R. (Bonita CA), Method of manufacture of honeycomb noise attenuation structure and the resulting structure produced thereby.
  5. Hom Felix (La Mesa CA), Method of manufacturing a honeycomb noise attenuation structure and the structure resulting therefrom.
  6. Brown William D. (Riverside CA), Method of manufacturing an adhesive bonded acoustical attenuation structure and the resulting structure.
  7. Whitemore Christopher E. (Riverside CA) Carrillo Robert M. (San Bernardino CA), Method of manufacturing of honeycomb noise attenuation structure and the structure resulting from the method.
  8. Carrillo Robert M. (San Bernardino CA) Koss Muriel L. (Arlington CA), Method of manufacturing of honeycomb noise attenuation structure and the structure resulting therefrom.
  9. Chapman John F. (Solihull GB2), Multi-layer acoustic linings.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Herrera, Eric; Nesbitt, Eric H., Acoustic panel.
  2. Autie Pascal J. M. (Paris FRX) Avignon Philippe P. (Combs-la-Ville FRX) Camusso Dominique P. (Evry FRX) Forestier Alexandre (Melun FRX) Ulryck Gilles (Ballancourt FRX), Acoustic panel for sound insulating linings of gas ducts.
  3. Porte, Alain; Batard, Herv?, Aircraft engine pod with acoustic attenuation.
  4. Borchers, Ingo Udo; Drobietz, Roger; Uhlig, Roland, Assembly for reducing noise in turbofan engines.
  5. Herrera, Eric; Gerken, Noel Timothy; Bauman, John Scott, Automated production of acoustic structures.
  6. Rulis Raymond J. (Birmingham MI), Braided filamentary sealing element.
  7. McMillan, Alison J., Containment casing.
  8. Batey J. Gary, Core flow expansion chamber device system for reduction of jet turbine engine noise.
  9. Brooks, Richard V.; Coupland, John, Damping assembly.
  10. Porte, Alain; Fargues, Matthieu; Lalane, Jacques, Device for connecting an air inlet with an aircraft nacelle actuator assembly.
  11. Czachor, Robert Paul; Smith, Paul Michael; Kraft, Robert Eugene, Fan casing acoustic treatment.
  12. Spain Raymond G. (Farmington Hills MI) Bailey Carlos (Farmington Hills MI), Fluid seal structure.
  13. Loewenstein, Philippe; Herfort, Remi, Gas ejection duct with acoustic treatment, an aircraft, and a method of fabricating such a duct.
  14. Martindale,Ian G; Sathianathan,Sivasubramaniam K, Gas turbine engine blade containment assembly.
  15. Maar, Karl; Hess, Thomas; Kufner, Petra, Housing section of a turbine engine compressor stage or turbine engine turbine stage.
  16. Webb Lee F. (Russells Point OH), Hush kit for jet engine.
  17. Cloft, Thomas G.; Wiley, Richard H., Integral suction device with acoustic panel.
  18. Cloft, Thomas G.; Wiley, Richard H., Integral suction device with acoustic panel.
  19. Hanson Donald B., Noise reducing stator assembly for a gas turbine engine.
  20. Hanson Donald B., Noise reducing stator assembly for a gas turbine engine.
  21. Carr Thomas W. (Chula Vista CA) Rose Philip M. (Chula Vista CA) Marsh Alan H. (Huntington Beach CA), Quiet nacelle system and hush kit.
  22. Gerken, Noel Timothy; Herrera, Eric; Patz, Nicholas John, Septumization of cellular cores.
  23. Butler, Geoffrey Allen; Lan, Justin Honshune; Gerken, Noel T.; Duschl, Garry M.; Day, Benjamin Julius, Septumization of honeycomb sandwiches.
  24. Starobinski, Rudolf; Siercke, Matthias, Silencer for an auxiliary power unit of an aircraft.
  25. Matan, Mladen; Rauch, Marc; Brühwiler, Eduard; Svilicic, Antun, Wall structure with noise damping insulation properties and gas turbine with such a wall structure.

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