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[미국특허] Web transfer apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65H-019/26
출원번호 US-0271053 (1981-06-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Calvert Orville M. (Spartanburg SC) Dibert David O. (Mauldin SC) Hebert Elie L. (Taylors SC) Tharpe James B. (Taylors SC) Wideman Raeford L. (Mauldin SC)
출원인 / 주소
  • American Hoechst Corporation (Somerville NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 8


An apparatus and method for transferring a moving web from one windup core to another windup core comprising a plurality of rotatable core chucks mounted on a revolvable turret, means for leading said web towards said cores, and means for forming and severing a leader strip of web material for subse


An apparatus for transferring a moving web of a flexible material from a first windup core to a second windup core which comprises: (a) a plurality of rotatable, speed adjustable windup stations mounted on revolvably indexable turret means; and (b) directing means for leading said web towards said w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Leanna Dale D. (Little Suamico WI) Jorgensen Allen R. (Abrams WI) Terp Gerald W. (Green Bay WI) LaHaye John (Green Bay WI) Nehring Kenneth L. (Green Bay WI), Automatic web rewinder for tensioned web.
  2. Carlsen ; Richard A., Flying transfer winder driver.
  3. Johnson David Emil (Macedon NY), Method and apparatus for replacing a roll of polystyrene foam sheet with empty core roll.
  4. Benson Nigel Colin (Welwyn Garden City EN) Mehta John Dorab (Welwyn Garden City EN), Production of thermoplastic films.
  5. Kron Martin W. (Rochester NY) Polz Victor I. (Rochester NY), Variable-width web slitting and winding apparatus.
  6. Platt Louis (Seneca SC) Poteet Thomas S. (Seneca SC), Web rolling apparatus.
  7. Schuttler Wilhelm (Buchenwinkel DT), Web spooling machine.
  8. Dee Anthony Neiman (Kenwood Lee ; Sheldon Avenue Highgate ; London EN), Winding machines.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Floeder, Steven P.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J., Apparatus and method for the automated marking of defects on webs of material.
  2. Floeder, Steven P.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J., Apparatus and method for the automated marking of defects on webs of material.
  3. Floeder, Steven P.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J., Apparatus and method for the automated marking of defects on webs of material.
  4. Suzuki Tsutomu (Nagoya JPX), Automatic cutting and winding apparatus for a web-like material such as a film.
  5. Rohde, Gunter; Holzinger, Dieter; Grossmann, Udo, Continuous web winder.
  6. Drewes, Joel A.; Bogart, Gregory R.; Etter, Jeffrey B.; Steaffens, Jeffrey W.; Ostroff, Rachel M.; Crosby, Mark, Device for mass transport assisted optical assays.
  7. Rabe Helmut,DEX ; Doring Ernst,DEX, Discontinuously operating winding machine for winding on material to be wound.
  8. Hartley ; Jr. John J., Duplex web roll winding and splicing apparatus.
  9. Sankaran Subbiah ; Ranly Daniel P., High speed transfer of strip in a continuous strip processing application.
  10. Marchante Innocente,FRX, Machine for coiling a flat continuous element to form rolls.
  11. Grossmann Udo (Heidenheim DEX) Holzinger Dieter (Herbrechtingen DEX) Rohde Guenter (Zang DEX), Method for transferring a web from a finished roll to a new core, and drum winder for the application of the method.
  12. Floeder, Steven P.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J.; Okonek, Terry A., Multi-roller registered repeat defect detection of a web process line.
  13. Floeder, Steven P.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J.; Berg, Brandon T., Multi-unit process spatial synchronization.
  14. Floeder, Steven P.; Brittain, Kenneth G.; Masterman, James A.; Skeps, Carl J., Multi-unit process spatial synchronization of image inspection systems.
  15. Walter Kaipf DE, Process for severing a traveling material web and device for performing the process.
  16. Dieter Figge DE; Slegfried Pohl DE, Reel configuration for winding thinly rolled finished strip.
  17. Rodriguez Peter A. ; Middlebrooks Thomas B., System and method for severing and spooling a web.
  18. Looser Gottlieb (In der Finne 910 FL-9496 Balzers LIX), Winding method and apparatus.
  19. Swafford, Steve; Schwarz, Steve; McKamy, Dan; Mabry, James; Walker, Jeff, Wrinkle reduction assembly.

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