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Pulse width control circuit in which a feedback amount is varied depending upon an operating temperature 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02P-009/00
출원번호 US-0388302 (1982-06-14)
우선권정보 JP-0090239 (1981-06-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nishitoba Shigeo (Tokyo JPX) Fukaya Hirokazu (Tokyo JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Nippon Electric Co., Ltd. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 4


An ignition coil control circuit compares the coil input current with a reference level, and the duty ratio of the output current is altered accordingly. The reference level is raised during cold weather operations, raising the duty ratio. Once the operating temperature of the engine rises above a p


A combination, comprising means for generating a first signal having a variable cycle period, means for providing a second signal having a predetermined level, means responsive to said first and second signals for producing pulse signals having a predetermined pulse width corresponding to said varia

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Mikami Youichi (Toyota JPX) Toyama Koichi (Kariya JPX) Sugiura Yasushi (Handa JPX), Contactless ignition control system with a dwell time control circuit for an internal combustion engine.
  2. Cordell Robert R. (Tinton Falls NJ), Current source with modified temperature coefficient.
  3. Hohne Gerd (Ludwigsburg DEX) Sohner Gerhard (Remshalden DEX), Ignition system with automatic increase in ignition energy during acceleration.
  4. Habert Roger J. (Epinay FR), Method and apparatus for obtaining an automatic ignition advance in automobile internal combustion engine.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Laville, Sébastien; Goutti, Frédéric, Circuit adjustable after packaging having a voltage limiter and method of adjusting same.
  2. Laville, Sébastien; Goutti, Frédéric, Circuit adjustable after packaging having a voltage limiter and method of adjusting same.
  3. Ehlers Karsten (Wolfsburg-Neuhaus DEX) Domland Christoph (Wolfsburg DEX) Sprysch Andreas (Braunschweig DEX), Controllable ignition system.
  4. Balakrishnan Ramanatha V. (San Jose CA), Current limiting circuit for high current peripheral drivers.
  5. Teruo Sasaki JP, Frequency-voltage conversion circuit and receiving apparatus.
  6. Koiwa Mitsuru (Himeji JPX), Ignition control apparatus for an internal combustion engine.
  7. Lei, Deyou; Dong, Jiangang, Ignition control device.
  8. Koiwa Mitsuru (Hyogo JPX) Okamura Kouichi (Hyogo JPX), Ignition device for internal combustion engine.
  9. Brandes, André; Voelz, Rainer, Ignition method and ignition system therefor.
  10. Kurihara Masaru (Mitaka JPX), Ignition timing control system.
  11. McDowell Philip D. ; Hellmich Wolfram,DEX ; Craft Todd D. ; Irgens Christopher R. ; Heimberg Wolfgang,DEX ; McGinnity Francis A.,IEX ; Binversie Gregory J., Method of operating a fuel injected engine.
  12. Dosho,Shiro; Morie,Takashi; Okamoto,Kouji; Yamada,Yuji; Sogawa,Kazuaki, Phase-locked loop circuit.
  13. Potanin,Vladislav; Potanina,Elena, Power limiting circuit.
  14. Young,Steven J.; Kovacs,Gregory T. A.; Northrup,M. Allen; Petersen,Kurt E.; McMillan,William A.; Othmer,Konstantin; Christel,Lee A., System and method for temperature control.
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