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[미국특허] Heat pump system for production of domestic hot water 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25B-007/00
출원번호 US-0375564 (1982-05-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Teagan W. Peter (Acton MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Arthur D. Little, Inc. (Cambridge MA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 9


In a heat pump system for domestic hot water, a compressor section 18 provides working fluid at a multiplicity of pressures. Multiple condensers 12, 14 are arranged so that higher pressure working fluid is in heat exchange relationship with higher temperature water. Upon leaving the condensers 12, 1


A heat pump system for heating a heat storage medium of the type in which a working fluid enters a compressor as a vapor at low pressure wherein the vaporized working fluid is compressed and thus heated, leaves the compressor and enters a heat exchanging condenser as a vapor at elevated pressure, th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Iwasaki ; Ryohei, Air conditioning apparatus.
  2. Shaw ; David N., Air source heat pump with multiple slide rotary screw compressor/expander.
  3. Rojey ; Alexandre ; Cohen ; Georges, Heating process using a heat pump and a fluid mixture.
  4. Shoji Kunihiro (Kusatsu JA) Yokota Akihiro (Kusatsu JA) Watanabe Kenzo (Kusatsu JA), Heating system.
  5. Singh ; Kanwal N., Heating system with water heater recovery.
  6. Bussjager Rudy C. (Syracuse NY) Del Toro James J. (Liverpool NY), Multiple compressor heat pump with coordinated defrost.
  7. Yaeger Ronald J. (Dallas TX) Keller Gerald W. (Dallas TX), Quick connector and shut-off valve assembly for heat recovery system.
  8. Derosier Gregory S. (Holmen WI), Refrigeration circuit for heat pump water heater and control therefor.
  9. Schaeffer Bruce S. (Waynesboro PA), Refrigeration system condenser heat recovery at higher temperature than normal condensing temperature.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Drube, Paul; Neeser, Timothy; Carey, Thomas, Bulk liquid cooling and pressurized dispensing system and method.
  2. Harmon,Steve; You,Ying, Energy efficient heat pump systems for water heating and air conditioning.
  3. Laing Oliver P. (3970 Honeycutt St. San Diego CA 92109) Laing Karsten A. (3970 Honeycutt St. San Diego CA 92109) Laing Birger J. (Reutestrasse 5 78 Freiburg DEX) Laing Doerte A. (Hofenerweg 37 7148 R, Heat exchanger with secondary and tertiary heat exchange surface.
  4. Rodgers Steven S. (Hudson NY), Heat generating system and method.
  5. Saito, Makoto, Heat pump apparatus.
  6. Kinoshita, Teruo, Heat pump system utilizable for air conditioner, water supply apparatus and the like.
  7. Saitoh, Masanobu; Koyama, Kiyoshi; Touya, Yoshinori; Takizawa, Sadahiro; Shikichi, Kazuaki; Ishigaki, Shigeya; Izaki, Hirokazu; Mukaiyama, Hiroshi; Kuwabara, Osamu; Yamasaki, Haruhisa; Imai, Satoshi, Heat pump type hot water supply apparatus.
  8. Gehring Kenneth C. (Cottage Grove WI) Rustebakke Ralph K. (Madison WI), Heat pump water heater system.
  9. Park, Heewoong; Ha, Samchul; Chin, Simwon; Jung, Seunghyun; Park, Noma; Choi, Hwanjong, Heat pump-type hot water feeding apparatus.
  10. Knight, John Terry; Landers, Anthony William; Gavula, Patrick Gordon; Pickle, Stephen Blake, Method and apparatus for dehumidification.
  11. Satzger, Peter; Horn, Oliver; Herbolzheimer, Robert; Knott, Martin; Morgenstern, Stefan; Schedel, Felix, Method for operating a refrigerant circuit as a heat pump and heat pump operable as a refrigerant circuit.
  12. Cilli Marc A. ; Cilli Gabriel P., Mobile industrial air cooling apparatus.
  13. Huff, Hans-Joachim; Lee, KeonWoo; Liu, Lucy Yi; Duraisamy, Suresh; Asprovski, Zvonko; Lamendola, Kursten; Lifson, Alexander, Refrigerant vapor compression system with intercooler.
  14. Takeo Komatsubara JP; Yasuki Takahashi JP; Toshiyuki Ebara JP; Miyuki Kawamura JP, Refrigerating device utilizing carbon dioxide as a refrigerant.
  15. Jones Richard D. (Springfield VA), Residential heating, cooling and energy management system.
  16. Guyer Eric C., Small scale cogeneration system for producing heat and electrical power.
  17. Guyer Eric C., Small-scale cogeneration system for producing heat and electrical power.
  18. Chaudhry, Gunaranjan; Junge, Brent Alden; Kempiak, Michael John, Water heater appliances and methods for operating same.
  19. Yap,Zer Kai, Water heating system.

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