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Sensor for acceleration 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01H-035/14
  • B60R-021/02
  • G08B-021/00
출원번호 US-0505007 (1983-06-16)
우선권정보 DE-3231800 (1982-08-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mausner Eberhard (Ludwigsburg DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Robert Bosch GmbH (Stuttgart DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 3


A sensor serves to detect acceleration, in particular for triggering passenger protection devices (air bags) in motor vehicles. A spring-restrained inertial mass subjected to the acceleration which is to be measured is deflected, and the deflection is detected with respect to a locally fixed referen


A sensor for detecting acceleration, in particular for triggering passenger protection devices in motor vehicles, comprising a spring-restrained inertial mass the deflection of which is measured with reference to a fixed reference point upon the action of an acceleration thereon, said mass including

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Rogers Wesley A. (Grosse Pointe Park MI) Auman John T. (Washington MI), Air cushion actuation and monitoring circuit.
  2. Montaron, Bernard, Collision detection system with safety devices.
  3. Okada Motohiro (Asaka JPX) Ohmori Taiji (Kawagoe JPX), Inflator for safety air bag in an automotive vehicle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Moser Bernd (Hamm/Sieg DEX), Accelerometer.
  2. Andres, Thorsten; Richter, Bjorn, Apparatus and method for detecting deformations on a vehicle component.
  3. Beltz Dale L. (Northville MI), Optical occupant restraint activation sensor.
  4. Bitko Sheldon S. (E. Brunswick NJ), Position insensitive shock sensor with closure delay.
  5. Fritz, Eberhard; Mattes, Bernhard; Nitschke, Werner; Gademann, Lothar, Safety device for vehicle occupants.
  6. Tinder Landon D. (12860 Sundown La. Chino Hills CA 91709) Tinder Richard F. (SW. 640 Winter Cir. Pullman WA 99163), Safety enclosures and systems for high speed vehicles.
  7. Imaoka Naohiro (Hiroshima JPX) Nakashima Hitoshi (Hiroshima JPX), Seat assembly for motor vehicle.
  8. Doty Gerald Arthur ; Grabowski Richard M. ; Anderson Erick Michael ; Wilsey Mark Lynn, Seat belt restraint system.
  9. Breed,David S., Self-contained airbag system.
  10. Breed,David S.; Castelli,Vittorio; Pruszenski, Jr.,Anthony S., Side impact sensor systems.
  11. Breed,David S.; Castelli,Vittorio; Pruszenski, Jr.,Anthony S., Side impact sensor systems.
  12. Breed,David S.; Castelli,Vittorio; Pruszenski, Jr.,Anthony S., Side impact sensor systems.
  13. Breed,David S.; Castelli,Vittorio; Pruszenski, Jr.,Anthony S., Side impact sensor systems.
  14. Breed,David S.; Castelli,Vittorio; Pruszenski, Jr.,Anthony S., Side impact sensor systems.
  15. Moser Bernd (Hamm/Sieg DEX), Vehicular suspension system.
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