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Transistor oscillator circuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H04B-001/26
  • H03B-005/12
출원번호 US-0313629 (1981-10-21)
우선권정보 DE-3041392 (1980-11-03); DE-3045993 (1980-12-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fenk Josef (Eching/Ottenburg DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Siemens Aktiengesellschaft (Berlin and Munich DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 2


Transistor oscillator circuit having a resonant-circuit or crystal-controlled oscillator realized by a feedback differential amplifier and provided for driving a mixture stage including a pair of transistors forming the oscillator and having a current-carrying output connected to a respective input


Integrable oscillator circuit having a mixing stage driven by an external signal and an oscillating stage formed by a differential amplifier having a first and a second emitter-coupled transistor, both of the transistors being connected by the emitters thereof to a reference potential supplied by a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Ohsawa Mitsuo (Fujisawa JA) Yamatani Wataru (Hatogaya JA), Double-balanced frequency converter.
  2. Kusakabe Hiromi (Yokohama JPX), Frequency converting circuit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Ma Huainan ; Fang Sher Jiun,SGX ; Lin Fujiang,SGX, Accurate and tuneable active differential phase splitters in RFIC wireless applications.
  2. Hashimoto,Hideo, Crystal oscillator circuit.
  3. Shi,Bingxue; Chi,Baoyong, Down-converter using an on-chip bias circuit for enhancing symmetry and linearity and testing device thereof.
  4. Khosrowbeygi, Abolfazl, Dynamic biasing of a transmitter.
  5. Midtgaard, Jacob, Electronic circuit supplied with power via current generator means.
  6. Sakashita Seiji (Yawata JPX) Sato Takeshi (Hirakata JPX) Nagai Hiroyuki (Ibaraki JPX) Kubo Kazuhiko (Mishima JPX) Usui Akira (Takatsuki JPX), Frequency conversion apparatus.
  7. Yamaji Takafumi (Ichikawa JPX) Tanimoto Hiroshi (Kawasaki JPX) Arai Satoshi (Musashino JPX), Frequency converter capable of reducing noise components in local oscillation signals.
  8. Pitsch, Robert Alan, Frequency translation module frequency limiting amplifier.
  9. Rohde, Ulrich L.; Poddar, Ajay Kumar; Schoepf, Klaus Juergen; Rebel, Reimund; Zhang, Hua, Low noise and low phase hits tunable oscillator.
  10. Navid Nasrollah Saeed ; Fotowat-Ahmady Ali ; Behbahani Farbod, Low voltage temperature and V.sub.cc compensated RF mixer.
  11. Scott Bentley N. (Richardson TX), Microwave receiver.
  12. Arnborg, Torkel; Nystrom, Christian, Mixer.
  13. Fenk Josef (Eching/Ottenburg DEX), Monolithically integrable controller circuit.
  14. Fenk Josef (Eching DEX), Monolithically integrable, amplitude-controllable oscillator amplifier circuit.
  15. Fenk Josef (Eching/Ottenburg DEX), Monolithically integrable, amplitude-controllable oscillator amplifier circuit.
  16. Williamson Thomas A., Oscillator with automatic gain control.
  17. Williamson Thomas A., Oscillator with digital frequency control.
  18. Chabloz,J��r��mie, Selective differential low-noise amplifier.
  19. Hayashi,Norio; Shinbo,Jiro, Semiconductor integrated circuit device and wireless communication system.
  20. Rohde, Ulrich L.; Poddar, Ajay Kumar, Tunable frequency, low phase noise and low thermal drift oscillator.
  21. Lindenmeier Heinz (Frstenrieder Str. 7B 8033 Planegg DEX) Reiter Leopold M. (Karolinger Str. 22 8031 Gilching DEX) Flachenecker Gerhard (Bezener Str. 2 D 8012 Ottobrunn DEX), Tunable receiver input circuit.
  22. Rohde, Ulrich L.; Poddar, Ajay Kumar; Schoepf, Klaus Juergen; Patel, Parimal, User-definable low cost, low noise, and phase hit insensitive multi-octave-band tunable oscillator.
  23. Rohde, Ulrich L.; Poddar, Ajay Kumar; Schoepf, Klaus Juergen; Patel, Parimal, User-definable, low cost, low phase hit and spectrally pure tunable oscillator.
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