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[미국특허] Control device using gas jets for a guided missile 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-015/18
출원번호 US-0392614 (1982-06-28)
우선권정보 FR-0012835 (1981-06-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Metz Pierre (Paris FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Thomson-Brandt (Paris FRX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 2


A control device using gas jets makes it possible to modify the flight direction of a guided missile. This device comprises an energy source supplying a gas flow to a set of fixed nozzles arranged in an annular member within which are coaxially placed movable sleeves, respectively provided with gas


A gas control device for steering guided missiles, comprising: an annular nozzle holder member having four equally spaced nozzles; first and second sleeve means coaxially arranged inside said annular member with each of said first and second sleeves having four spaced gas passages which are not equa

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Takagi Tosio (316-2 Wakazonominami-machi ; Kokuraminami-ku ; Kitakyushu-shi ; Fukuoka-ken JPX), Sprinkler nozzle.
  2. Brodersen, Rolf K., Thrust vector control for large deflection angles.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Hanlon, Casey; Geck, Kellan; Johnson, Andrew T., Actuation assembly.
  2. Hultman, John A., Adjustable range munition.
  3. Morgan, Robert W; Borg, Eric J; Leal, Michael A; Nicholl, Adam D, Air vehicle with bilateral steering thrusters.
  4. Kranz Walter (Taufkirchen DEX), Controllable flow deflection system.
  5. O'Dwyer, James Michael, Directional control of missiles.
  6. Ransom, Richard Sutton, Flight control of missiles.
  7. Guinan Daniel P. ; Wendt David E., Flow diverter system for multiple streams for gas turbine engine.
  8. Thouron Ren (La Ferte St. Aubin FRX), Guidance/control device for a carrier comprising a movable nozzle.
  9. Facciano, Andrew B; Alkema, Michael S; Leal, Michael A; Chasman, Daniel; Moore, Robert T, Integral injection thrust vector control with booster attitude control system.
  10. John, Lawrence E., Low mass flow reaction jet.
  11. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for aerial interception of aerial threats.
  12. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for engagement management of aerial threats.
  13. Kolanek, James; Baseghi, Behshad; Sharpin, David; Visco, Anthony; Shieh, Falin, Methods and apparatuses for engagement management of aerial threats.
  14. Preston, Kenneth G.; Leal, Michael A.; Wilson, Rondell J.; Hussey, Richard C., Propulsion and maneuvering system with axial thrusters and method for axial divert attitude and control.
  15. Chasman, Daniel; Haight, Stephen D., Propulsion system with canted multinozzle grid.
  16. Sturm Richard (Ottobrunn DEX), Remote control system for a rolling flying body.
  17. Horwath Tibor G., Reticle for use in a guidance seeker for a spinning projectile.
  18. Tibor G. Horwath, Reticle for use in a guidance seeker for a spinning projectile.
  19. Facciano, Andrew B.; Graves, William G.; Barker, Michael A.; Alkema, Michael S.; Larson, Jeffrey S., Rocket cluster divert and attitude control system.
  20. Dunne Brian B. (La Jolla CA), Spin-stabilized projectile with pulse receiver and method of use.
  21. Carlson, Robert J., Steerable projectile charging system.
  22. Mazenq, Lionel, System for steering, about its axes of rotation, a moving body propelled by jet reaction, particularly a missile.
  23. Fujita,Toshiharu; Hidaka,Shozo, Three-axis attitude control propulsion device and flying object comprising the same.
  24. Kranz Walter (Taufkirchen DEX), Thrust nozzle system.
  25. Bittle,David A.; Jimmerson,Gary T.; Cothran,Julian L., Trajectory correction kit.
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