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[미국특허] Self-propelled jet aerator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C02F-007/00
출원번호 US-0212881 (1980-12-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Khudenko Boris M. (Southfield MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Georgia Tech Research Institute (Atlanta GA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


A self-propelled aeration device comprising a jet-aerator mounted on floats and connected by a hinged arm to a central pile for enabling the said aerator to rotate around the pile thus mixing and aerating both the large surface and great depth of a reservoir. As the jet-aerator a weir or orifice, pr


A self-propelled device for aeration and mixing of a deep and wide body of water comprising in combination: a floating structure supported by pontoons on the water; said floating structure including a water compartment supported by the said pontoons; orifice means located in the outer wall of the sa

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fabry, Erik Paul, Aeration device, a use thereof, and water purification installation with such an aeration device.
  2. Tsai, Rong Feng, Aeration equipment.
  3. Ash Gary, Aerator transport system.
  4. Huhta-Koivisto, Risto; Huhta-Koivisto, Esko, Apparatus and method for aeration/mixing of water.
  5. Haegeman Johny Hector,BEX, Apparatus for treating liquids.
  6. Tsai,Rong Feng, Cruising aeration apparatus and method.
  7. Tews, James Timothy, Floating manure agitator with multidirectional agitator nozzles.
  8. Reusche, Thomas K.; Chumbley, Philip E.; Ressl, Mike; McHugh, James, Liquid aeration system and method.
  9. Reusche,Thomas K.; Chumbley,Philip E.; Ressl,Michael G.; McHugh,James, Liquid aeration system and method.
  10. Eaton John M. (P.O. Box 666 Safford AZ 85548), Method and apparatus for aeration of wastewater lagoons.
  11. Scanzillo Joseph G. (15 Metacomett Rd. Scituate MA 02066) Anderson ; III Russell J. (485 Mt. Blue St. Norwell MA 02061), Methods and apparatus for biodegradation of polluted fluids.
  12. Ba-abbad, Mazen A., Stirring apparatus for stirring microorganisms in a culturing medium.
  13. Reusche, Thomas K.; Chumbley, Philip E.; Owen, Donald B.; Blahnik, Joe; McHugh, James R., Water agitation system for water retention structure.

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