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[미국특허] Container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-087/00
출원번호 US-0476870 (1983-03-16)
우선권정보 FR-0014107 (1981-07-20)
국제출원번호 PCT/CH82/00086 (1982-07-09)
§371/§102 date 19830316 (19830316)
국제공개번호 WO-8300317 (1983-02-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • Goutille Maurice (Lamorlaye FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • SCC Six-In-One Containers Co., S.A. (Geneva CHX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 24  인용 특허 : 0


The container comprising a base (1), two side panels (2,3), one front panel (4), one back side which opens (5) and a roof (6) can be assembled from and dismounted into the above listed components. Means are provided (18-21, 25a, 27a) for fastening the side panels (2,3) and the front panel (4) to the


A shipping container comprising a base, two side panels, a front panel, a back side which includes at least one door, and a roof, characterized in that (a) the preceding components are separable for selective interconnection into an assembled unit, for shipping cargo, and into a collapsed unit, for

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ruiz Diego M. ; Ruiz Dagoberto D., Collapsible container.
  2. Linares,Miguel, Collapsible freight container incorporating powder impression molded panels formed about a three-dimensional and interlocking skeletal structure and a mold process for creating the same.
  3. Gyenge Andrew (Prince George WA AUX) Johnson Michael D. (Tacoma WA) Malmanger John A. (Vashon Island WA), Collapsible storage bin.
  4. Fenton, Gary L., Compartmentalized stacking posts and container with compartmentalized stacking posts.
  5. Pfau, Dieter, Container arrangement.
  6. Cobane Joseph L., Container for vinyl siding.
  7. Fenton, Gary L., Container with supports.
  8. Dinsmoor John C. (Denver CO) Everen Barry V. (Ft. Collins CO), Extrusion for container with integral pallet.
  9. Ziegs, Dustin, Flexible fluid storage tank.
  10. Martineau Dennis, Foldable storage container.
  11. Fenton, Gary L., Gusseted container and method of manufacturing same.
  12. Mullaney, Nicholas Bruce; Howell, James Richard, Height adjustable column for a shipping container building structure.
  13. Mullaney, Nicholas Bruce, Height adjustable shipping container.
  14. Goutille Maurice (Lamorlaye FRX), Large disposable convertible packing case.
  15. Born Raymond W. (4211 W. First St. ; Space 121 Santa Ana CA 92703), Method and apparatus for shipping and storing cargo.
  16. Linares, Miguel A., Method and associated mold process for creating a collapsible cargo carrying enclosure.
  17. Fjllstrm Bengt (Sdra Kungsvgen 9 S-52200 Tidaholm SEX), Module packing system for packing and transporting of goods.
  18. Kraft, Joshua J., Stacked collapsible container.
  19. Ritter Lawrence A., Storage container including a mounting clip an associated mounting clip, and an associated method.
  20. Martineau Dennis, Storage container with doors at both ends.
  21. Martineau Dennis, Storage container with doors at one end.
  22. Wingo,Brett A.; Johnson,Walter S.; Benner,Richard W., Tag mounting device used for locating shipping containers and truck trailers.
  23. Lee Sang Sig, Top and bottom corner lift fittings for a cargo container.
  24. Bruderer, Brock Charles, Transportation container.

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