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Bomb-type conduction calorimeter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-025/22
출원번호 US-0513074 (1983-07-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Prosen Edward J. (621 Warfield Dr. Rockville MD 20850)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 0


A bomb-type conduction calorimeter consists of a bomb separated from a substantially infinite heat sink by several heat flow detecting elements. The bomb is enclosed by an inner copper box having a cylindrical interior and a polygonal exterior. The inner copper box is enclosed by an outer copper box


A conduction-type macrocalorimeter for measuring heat energy emitted by a test substance comprising: a sensor box having an inner compartment, an outer compartment, and heat flow detecting means within a gap defined by said inner and outer compartments; said inner compartment being of high thermal c

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11)

  1. Brushwyler,Kevin R., Automated calorimeter.
  2. Brushwyler, Kevin R.; Hoss, John T.; Latino, Octavio R., Calorimeter.
  3. Brushwyler,Kevin R.; Hoss,John T.; Latino,Octavio R., Calorimeter.
  4. Fischer, Ulrich; Hungerb?hler, Konrad; Wohlwend, Max; Zogg, Andreas, Calorimeter.
  5. Pinhack, Hubert, Calorimeter with a digestion container and with a water jacket.
  6. Keyser, Matthew Allen; Pesaran, Ahmad; Mihalic, Mark Alan; Ireland, John, Calorimeters for testing energy storage systems and power electronics methods of making the same and methods of use.
  7. Morimoto Satoshi (Ushiku JPX) Tanaka Yoshio (Tsukuba JPX) Ito Shojiro (Tokyo JPX), Calorimetric detection unit and calorimetric member for conduction flow type calorimeter.
  8. Ito Shoziro (Setagaya JPX) Ito Akihiro (Tama JPX) Ito Hiroyasu (Niihari JPX), Precision calorimeter.
  9. Fauske Hans K. (Hinsdale IL), Stable isothermal calorimeter.
  10. Bannister, William W.; Chen, Chien-Chung; Curby, William A.; Chen, Eric B.; Damour, Paul L.; Morales, Antonio, Thermal analysis for detection and identification of explosives and other controlled substances.
  11. William W. Bannister ; Chien-Chung Chen ; William A. Curby ; Eric B. Chen ; Paul L. Damour ; Antonio Morales, Thermal analysis for detection and identification of explosives and other controlled substances.
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