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[미국특허] Hemorrhoid and anorectal disease treatment method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A61K-031/17
  • A61K-031/79
  • A61K-031/675
출원번호 US-0640952 (1984-08-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gallina Damian J. (2856 W. 33rd St. Erie PA 16506)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 8


A method of treating hemorrhoids and diseases of the anorectum by applying to hemorrhoidal or to inflamed or irritated anorectal tissues a treatment composition including by weight carbamide peroxide or benzoyl peroxide in an amount of between about 2% and 40%, an anesthetic in an amount of between


A method of treating hemorrhoids and anorectal diseases by applying to hemorrhoids and anorectal tissues a composition comprising a peroxide selected from the group of urea hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide in a pharmaceutically effective amount for treatment of hemorrhoidal and anorectal tissu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Bjrck Karl E. L. (Upsala SEX), Foodstuffs, animal feeding stuffs and pharmaceutical preparations containing an antibacterial system.
  2. Bliss William E. (Fort Washington PA), Method for treating pseudofolliculitis barbae.
  3. Leigh Steven (South Croydon NY GB2) Ayres Peter J. (Norwich NY), Pharmaceutical compositions containing urea.
  4. Mandy ; Stephen H. ; Thompson ; William D., Process for the treatment of acarid skin infections in animals.
  5. Mhlemann Hans R. (Beustweg 8 Zurich CHX) Firestone Allen R. (Zurich CHX) Imfeld Thomas (Zurich CHX), Solid oral preparations of urea hydrogen peroxide without glycerol.
  6. Konno Yutaka (Omiya JPX) Kawamura Shigeo (Urawa JPX), Suppositories containing a compound having bronchodilator activity.
  7. Young Henry Y. (Delmar NY), Therapeutic composition.
  8. Wickett Richard R. (Hamilton OH) Kock William R. (Cincinnati OH), Topical composition and treatment of skin lesions therewith.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Glassman, Bradley P.; Bhagwat, Dileep; Glassman, Daniel, Carbamide peroxide compositions for the treatment of dermatological disorders and methods for their use.
  2. Dorsey Kenneth E. (8821 Bluff Wood La. Fort Washington MD 20744), Cooling anti-itch skin preparations.
  3. Gallina Damian J. (Erie PA), Hyaluronic acid-urea pharmaceutical compositions and uses.
  4. Gallina Damian J. (Erie PA), Hyaluronic acid-urea pharmaceutical compositions utilized for treatment of diseases of cutis.
  5. Gallina Damian J. (Erie PA), Method of treating lesions resulting from genital herpes with hyaluronic acid-urea pharmaceutical compositions.
  6. Shanler, Stuart D.; Powala, Christopher; Phillips, Christopher; Beger, Brian; Greenaway Evans, Charles Rodney; Lim, Sian Tiong; Brown, Marc Barry; Botta, Michael A.; Nagler, Thomas, Peroxide formulations and methods and applicators for using the same.
  7. Shanler, Stuart D.; Powala, Christopher; Phillips, Christopher; Beger, Brian; Greenaway Evans, Charles Rodney; Lim, Sian Tiong; Brown, Marc Barry; Botta, Michael A.; Nagler, Thomas, Peroxide formulations and methods and applicators for using the same.
  8. Shanler, Stuart D.; Powala, Christopher; Phillips, Christopher; Beger, Brian; Greenaway Evans, Charles Rodney; Lim, Sian Tiong; Brown, Marc Barry; Botta, Michael A.; Nagler, Thomas, Peroxide formulations and methods and applicators for using the same.
  9. Singh Amarjit,INX ; Jain Rajesh,INX ; Singla Anil Kumar,INX, Pharmaceutical composition for the control and treatment of anorectal and colonic diseases.
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