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Coat pack 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45F-003/00
출원번호 US-0569387 (1984-01-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • McKenna George T. (3238 Federal Cir. Broomfield CO 80020)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 2


A torso-encircling carrier is provided with a tubular body having a central closed tubular portion and two opposite end tapered tubular portions, each end portion having a closure means that can be opened to permit through passage of a carried object such as a coat. The tubular body is formed from a


A torso-encircling carrier, comprising: an elongated tubular body having a tapering tubular body portion at each longitudinal end thereof, defining a substantially full-length continuous interior compartment between the opposite longitudinal ends and defining an arm-insertion passage means to said c

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Adams Brian J. (Bristol VA), Foldable pack belt.
  2. Zerobnick Alan H. (Estes Park CO) Cole David J. (Denver CO), Integrated belt-supported backpack.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Cockram, Leigh, Activewear with waistband pocket.
  2. Cockram, Leigh, Activewear with waistband pocket.
  3. Murdoch, Douglas Harland; Sturm, Michael, Backpack and waist bag carrying system.
  4. Murdoch, Douglas Harland; Sturm, Michael, Backpack and waist bag carrying system.
  5. Murdoch, Douglas Harland; Sturm, Michael, Backpack and waist bag carrying system.
  6. Murdoch, Douglas Harland; Sturm, Michael, Backpack and waist bag carrying system.
  7. Crye, Caleb Clark; Fehlberg, Eric Owen; Thompson, Gregg M., Chemical/biological suit.
  8. Miller, E. Lynn, Expandable wrist pouch.
  9. Thatcher Bryce, Modular hip-supported pack with bilateral articulation.
  10. Layman,Jeremy, Organizer for taking dogs for walks.
  11. Perrea, Beverly Vance; Koenig, Elizabeth Cooper, Pocket with secure fold.
  12. Watson Paul L. ; Watson Viola M., Pouch for surgical drain tubes.
  13. Dyster, Justin; Stimpson, Michael; Patulski, Nate; Lange, Norman; Stalzer, Chris, Reconfigurable electrical wired cumberbund.
  14. Do, Mia, Torso belt carrier.
  15. Do, Mia, Waist belt carrier.
  16. Cockram, Leigh, Waistband.
  17. Do, Mia, Wearable carrying accessory.
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