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Chemical/steam stripping 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08L-027/06
출원번호 US-0598927 (1984-04-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Taylor Michael A. (Sarnia CAX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Polysar Limited (Sarnia CAX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 5


Residual monomer may be removed from a polymeric emulsion by subjecting it to pressure and temperature conditions so that the ambient vapor pressure is less than the vapor pressure in the emulsion and concurrently and continuously during the treatment adding a free radical initiator.


A process of treating an aqueous emulsion of one or more monomers, at least 80 weight percent of which have been polymerized comprising subjecting said emulsion to temperature and pressure conditions at which the vapour pressure of water in the ambient environment is less than the vapour pressure of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Kidoh Kunizoh (Iwaki JA) Wakamori Hideki (Iwaki JA) Iimura Kamizo (Iwaki JA), Method and apparatus for removal of unreacted monomer from synthesized high polymer latex.
  2. Grosse-Wortmann Hans (Marl DT) Hentschel Bernhard (Marl DT) Rauth Peter (Bochum DT) Schoenberg Karl-Heinz (Marl DT) Terwiesch Bernd (Marl DT) Winter Hermann (Marl DT), Process for the removal of vinyl chloride from polyvinyl chloride dispersions.
  3. Ferrini Gino P. (Ravenna OH), Reducing residual acrylonitrile in water dispersions of acrylonitrile polymers with amine.
  4. Miller James R. (Richfield OH), Removal of residual acrylonitrile monomer.
  5. Miller James R. (Richfield OH) Leeson Edward J. (Avon Lake OH), Treating dispersions of acrylonitrile polymers.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Ahmadnian, Fatemeh; Loth, Wolfgang; Wassmer, Karl-Heinz; Brodhagen, Andreas; Konrad, Gerd, Deodorization of polymer compositions.
  2. Gao, Jun; Kong, Xiang-Ming; Hungenberg, Klaus-Dieter; Schmidt-Thuemmes, Juergen, Free-radical polymerization process producing aqueous polymer dispersion with low residual monomer content utilizing oil and water soluble initiators.
  3. Choi, Ho yeul; Yang, Seung hun; Han, Chang sun, Method for preparing styrene-butadiene latex.
  4. Robert Rupaner DE; Sven Lawrenz DE; Johannes Dobbelaar DE; Gerhard Bauer DE; Franz-Josef Mueseler DE; Werner Kirchner DE; Bradley Ronald Morrison DE; Jurgen Nahstoll DE; Martin Meister DE; R, Method for reducing residual monomers in liquid systems by adding an oxidation-reduction initiator system.
  5. Claudia Wood DE; Roland Baumstark DE; Johannes Dobbelaar DE, Method for reducing the quantity of residual monomers in aqueous polymeric dispersions.
  6. Chowdhry,Mubarik Mahmood; Gaschler,Wolfgang, Method for the reduction of the residual monomer content in aqueous polymer dispersions.
  7. Chmelir Miroslav (Krefeld DEX), Method of preparing polymers with a low residual content of monomers.
  8. Claudia Heibel DE; Roland Baumstark DE, Method of reducing the quantity of residual monomers in aqueous dispersions of polymers.
  9. Michael Gotsche DE; Claudia Wood DE; Kristin Tiefensee DE, Preparation of W/O emulsions.
  10. Weiler, Peter, Process for reducing odor emission in aqueous polymer dispersions and in polymer powders.
  11. Theo Mayer DE; Peter Ball DE, Process for reducing the odor emission of aqueous vinylaromatic/1,3-diene copolymer dispersions.
  12. Mayer, Theo; Ball, Peter, Process for reducing the odor of vinylaromatic-1,3-diene copolymer dispersions stabilized by protective colloids.
  13. Dobbelaar Johannes,DEX ; Hubinger Wolfgang,DEX ; Keller Peter,DEX ; Stanger Bernd,DEX, Removing residual volatiles from polymer dispersions.
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