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[미국특허] Asphalt recycling 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B28C-005/46
출원번호 US-0556891 (1983-12-01)
우선권정보 ZA-82/8885 (1982-12-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Servas, Vladimiros
  • Voors, Wilhelm P. H.
출원인 / 주소
  • South African Inventions Development Corp.
대리인 / 주소
    Bernard, Rothwell & Brown
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 5


This invention provides a hot-mix asphalt recycling processes for reconstituting and upgrading old road materials. In usual hot-mix plants the asphaltic material is heated by a naked flame. Residual bitument in the asphalt is exposed to the naked flame from the burner, which can seriously damage the


1. A method of recycling asphalt, which comprises heating aggregate in a rotating heating zone by a burner flame, supplying the heated aggregate to and introducing reclaimed asphalt and suitable binder material into a rotating, separately rotatable flame-free mixing zone, and there mixing these cons

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jakob ; Herbert E. ; Garbelman ; David L., Apparatus for producing hot mix asphalt utilizing recyclable asphalt aggregate.
  2. Garbelman David L. (Edmond OK) Minor William H. (Bethany OK) Shaw Arthur G. (Mustang OK), Method and apparatus for producing hot mix asphalt utilizing recyclable asphalt aggregate.
  3. Binz Lee V. (Hamshire IL), Method and apparatus for reducing smoke emissions in an asphalt drum mixer.
  4. Schlarmann Philip J. (Scotch Grove IA), Method of and apparatus for asphaltic concrete hot mix recycling.
  5. Mendenhall ; Robert L., Recycled asphalt-aggregate process and apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Groulx, Michael J.; Klumpp, Thomas K., Asphalt recycler and heat management apparatus.
  2. Argenio, Andrew L., Asphaltic compositions and methods of their manufacture.
  3. Hawkins, Michael R., Counter-flow asphalt plant with combustion zone feed and exhaust gas heater.
  4. Hawkins Michael R., Counter-flow asphalt plant with independently rotatable dryer and mixer.
  5. Hawkins, Michael R, Counter-flow drum mixer asphalt plant method for two stage mixing.
  6. Hawkins,Michael R., Counter-flow drum mixer asphalt plant with two stage mixing zone.
  7. Swisher ; Jr. George W. (Oklahoma City OK), Countercurrent drum mixer with second heat source.
  8. Su, Qiang, Heating process and device for thermally regenerating waste asphalt mixture.
  9. Lopez, Emile, Method and device for heating worn road coating materials.
  10. Collette,Jerry R., Milled asphalt pavement recycling.
  11. Sasaki Hideo (Ageo JPX), Plant of batch system for producing a composite paving material by using a bituminous waste pavement material.
  12. Jamaluddin Aziz A., Pyrocleaning furnace and thermal oxidizer system.
  13. Morrison Troy R. ; Mullinax Billy Joe, Recycle moisture evaporation system.
  14. Collette, Jerry R., Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) preparation system.
  15. Collette, Jerry R.; Kelm, Warren E., Rotary thermal recycling system.
  16. Swanson Malcolm L. (Chickamauga GA), System for and method of soil remediation and hot mix asphalt production.

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